Mises Institute
Monday, July 29, 2024
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Inequality is caused by inflation
Lennart Wagemans
Paul Krugman once claimed that inflation was necessary for relative income equality. The truth is that inflation, by creating winners and losers, increases and exacerbates income inequality.
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How should government police the public domain?
Tate Fegley and Łukasz Dominiak
Libertarians have no problem dealing with how private property should be policed, but what about those areas we call public spaces?
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Inverted, Recessed, and Hung Out to Dry
The great train wreck seems to be happening. Mark Thornton shares his latest guesses and outlook.
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How Economists Evaluate Tariffs Versus Income Taxes
The populist Right is arguing for a hike in tariffs to fund income tax cuts. Bob gives an analysis of tariffs and other types of taxes.
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Are apartment syndicators incompetent or crooked? The answer is yes
The first housing bubble popped in 2008, and a second bubble is on its way to bursting.
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How capitalism defeats racism
By appealing to the self-interest of buyers and sellers, capitalism foils attempts by lawmakers to create racially constructed limits on voluntary exchange. Capitalism undermines racism.
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The problem with ‘work or starve’
Critics of capitalism claim that private enterprise gives workers the unhappy choice of either working difficult, low-paying jobs or outright starving. The claim is false and the history of capitalism tells a different story.
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Axis of Evil: America’s Three Worst Presidents
On Sunday, July 28, Tom DiLorenzxo kicked off Mises University 2024.
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Lessons for the Young Economist
Easily the best introduction to economics for the young reader, because it covers both pure economic theory and also how markets work.
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