At the start of my exploration on how to add voice on debt, deficit, and government spending we shared a video that our team put together for the website. 

Today, I wanted to leave you with another one, in this one I highlight the remarkable financial storm that I believe will come our way if we don't tackle the debt and spending issue in Washington.

I am approaching the end of my month to examine whether or not go forward, and accordingly I would appreciate you sending the video to 10 friends who might add further perspective, comment or wisdom on indeed whether, and how best to proceed. 

The video can be found here.

Again, our website is

Many Thanks,


Mark Sanford was ranked one of the most conservative members of Congress by the Club for Growth, Freedomworks, Heritage Foundation, and the National Taxpayers Union, and has been recognized as the most financially conservative Governor in the country by the CATO Institute, calling him "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms." Mark lives in Mt. Pleasant and stays busy trying to keep up with his four boys.

Copyright © 2019 Mark Sanford, All rights reserved.


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