California Bishops Urge Officials to Shepherd Those in Homeless Encampments into Prop. 1 Mental Health and Housing Programs 

July 26, 2024

The California Catholic Conference of Bishops Executive Committee released the following statement regarding Governor Gavin Newsom’s call for cities to begin clearing homeless encampments:

“The continuing human tragedy of the homeless epidemic in California does not have an easy solution. The Catholic Church in California has been a staunch advocate and resource for unhoused populations, providing both emergency shelter and pathways to permanent housing. Our unhoused brothers and sisters must be treated with respect in keeping with their human dignity. It is a tragedy that people live in roadside encampments. It is a tragedy that mental health and substance abuse needs are not met.  

“As Gov Newsom calls for the clearing of homeless encampments, the CA bishops urge, in the strongest terms, the dignified and respectful removal of homeless encampments and concurrently desire that the unhoused who are being displaced are shepherded into the mental health or housing programs that Gov. Newsom has championed and that the voters approved with the passage of Prop. 1 in March.  

“The greatest travesty would be for those whose camps are removed to be then left in this hot climate without shelters or to become incarcerated because of their forced transiency.”

 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me...” (Mt. 25: 35). 



Kim Nickols

[email protected]