Should your school be ringing the alarm about the student sleep crisis?

In recent years, the trend of inadequate sleep among students has become alarmingly prevalent, impacting nearly all areas of their lives. With competing priorities such as academic performance, extracurricular activities, and preparing for life after graduation: does prioritizing sleep matter?

According to our 2024 Student Voice Report, on average, high school students report receiving only 6.6 hours of sleep per night, far below the recommended 8-10 hours for their age group. This sleep deficit is not just a minor inconvenience—it has profound implications for students’ health, well-being, and academic performance.

From increased stress to negative health impacts that can lead to more absences from school, addressing the student sleep crisis is imperative to fostering a learning environment that is both healthy and successful for your community. Check out our latest blog post for our latest research and suggestions to support sleep and well-being for your students!

Your School’s Survey: Sleep, Stress, and More!

Looking for data trends and strategies specific to your school’s experiences? Using a survey that centers ideas from your students, parents/caregivers, and staff can transform your strategy! Our nationally-trusted Challenge Success surveys allow schools to gather insights and data from students, staff, and parents/caretakers and then use this information to make meaningful changes that transform your students’ experience and improve student well-being and engagement with learning.

Learn more about our various surveys and how they can benefit your school!

Register Now: Fall Professional Development Conferences for ALL K-12 Educators

Registration is now open for our 2024 Fall Conferences in Stanford, CA and Waltham, MA. Don’t miss this opportunity to deeply connect with fellow educators, experts, and thought leaders who are transforming the student experience in K-12 schools across the country.  You will leave inspired and empowered with concrete strategies to share with, and use in, your school community. Come solo or pull a group together from your school for a discounted rate!