Is your voter registration information up to date?

Today is the last day to register to vote online: please take a moment today to ensure you are ready to cast your vote!

Check My Status

Your voter registration may become out of date for a variety of reasons, including a change of address, change of name, and voter inactivity. Some states periodically update voter rolls, and if a person has been inactive for a long time without voting or responding to election-related notices, their registration may be considered inactive or purged.

Here is what you need to do to make sure you can cast a vote in the August 6th primary election:

1️⃣ Check your registration status.

2️⃣ Verify that your name, address, and other details are correct.

3️⃣ Finally, spread the word! Encourage your friends, family, and community to do the same.

Voting is not just a right; it is a powerful tool for change. That is why I am working to ensure your voice is heard in Congress by supporting legislation that:

  • Expands automatic same-day registration;
  • Strengthens vote by mail;
  • Guarantees early voting and ballot access;
  • Protects our elections from foreign interference;
  • Combats voter intimidation and suppression;
  • Requires the disclosure of dark money in politics;
  • Reins in lobbyist influence;
  • Enforces ethics rules; and
  • Ends partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts.

Together, we can ensure everyone has access to their democracy and representation.

More soon,


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