All gifts to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund matched up to $100k until July 31.
This is a huge moment for the gun safety movement and we're ready to power up our grassroots work in a big way—and right now we need your help. Can you donate $5 to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund today and have your contribution matched?
Our grassroots power to fight for stronger gun laws and to defeat gun extremism depends heavily on gun safety supporters like you. Now more than ever, we must begin to mobilize.
Everytown, Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, dads, survivors, educators, gun owners, concerned citizens—ALL of us are a part of one movement working together to fight for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence.
Your donations make all the work that we do possible to achieve across the nation and we cannot slow down now—especially when the gun lobby and its allies in Congress are trying to undo the progress we are fighting for.
That is why a dedicated group of donors decided to band together and MATCH every donation, up to a total match of $100,000! Get more bang for your buck and double your impact by making a generous donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund today.
We appreciate your support in the fight against gun violence.