Dear Patriot, How much of
your life and liberty will you tolerate the political class “shutting down?” Well,
the truth is, the consequences of staying shut are too great -- for BOTH our economic and physical
health. So, if you’re anything like me, the answer isn’t merely a resounding “NO MORE,” it’s
“we’re taking them back!” The good news is,
Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to FIGHT BACK against the statists’ coronavirus power grabs are making an impact -- fostering the growing
backlash with protests at state capitals nationwide. As a result, several states are starting to
reopen this week, including Alaska, Oklahoma, and South Carolina. Georgia and Tennessee are close behind.
But that’s not nearly enough.
That’s why I’ve directed C4L staff to ramp up our efforts to force governors to unshackle their states. So, I’m counting on
patriots like you to sign your OPEN UP
NOW! Directive I’ve prepared for you at once. Your signed
OPEN UP NOW! Directive -- and critical financial
support -- will add rocket fuel to C4L's grassroots activists' efforts in our next wave of targeted states, including Alabama,
Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Virginia, and Wisconsin. . . And your signed Directive will
send the political class NATIONWIDE a message LOUD and CLEAR -- they DO NOT have the consent of the governed to continue destroying
livelihoods and trample on our liberties! The more states we can convince to open up,
the quicker we put this nightmare behind us. Let me tell you, from the Washington, D.C.
“Swamp” to state capitals nationwide, the last thing the political class wants is more Americans rising up against their draconian
response to this whole coronacrisis mess. After all, for the authoritarians, Big Government
statists, and their politically-well-connected pals in the “elite,” the coronavirus panic has been like their best Christmas ever.
The fact is, all the bogus models from the so-called “experts” were wrong from start.
That’s abundantly clear. And yet they insist we must have their approval before “it’s safe” to reopen the country.
America will not survive long if we stay shut based on their flimsy models.
Worse, more people will die because the shutdowns are preventing Americans from building immunities.
Meanwhile, another 4.4 million people applied for unemployment this week on top of the 22 million from the last
reported numbers. And that’s not even counting those who are out of work but don’t apply -- or qualify -- for unemployment.
And Congress just keeps adding to our national debt. Just today, they passed another $500 BILLION spending bill,
a few weeks after their record $2.4 TRILLION bailout that was full of handouts for their crony friends.
And this doesn’t even take into account the powergrabs by local, state, and federal authorities. From putting innocent Americans on
“house arrest,” to arresting moms who take their children to the park for fresh air and exercise, to prohibiting peaceful gatherings and
worship services. Enough is enough, and it’s time to put the Constitution back into
play. That’s why I’m counting on your EMERGENCY support now more than
ever. First, please sign your OPEN UP NOW!
Directive right away. Second, please agree to your most generous
contribution to help Campaign for Liberty launch an all-out mobilization program, including: 1) Contacting up to eight million Americans using mail and email to generate more “OPEN UP
NOW!” directives and mobilize the grassroots muscle to turn out for protests to force politicians to act!;
2) Using social media and highly-trafficked blogs to turn up the heat;
3) Working talk radio and cable TV news shows to explain why these coronavirus shut downs must end -- and why American freedom will
soon die out completely if they’re allowed to continue; 4) Running hard-hitting
Internet ads (if I can raise the resources), calling on governors in our targeted states by name to immediately rescind their shutdown executive
orders and unshackle businesses and citizens. Society will never be able to live with coronavirus until we start living
with it! The truth is, the longer society stays shut down, the greater the risk to
BOTH the economic and physical health of every American.
So, I must ask you to please act FAST and be as generous as you possibly can. In addition to signing your
“OPEN UP NOW!” Directive, could you afford $50 or even more?
I know that may seem like a tremendous amount to ask for. But a citizen that
cannot defend his or her freedom won’t be free much longer. With businesses shuttered,
citizens under virtual house arrest, radical money-printing, massive tax hikes, Euro-style socialized medicine, censorship, and all the rest,
freedom will become only a distant memory if this is allowed to go on much longer.
It’s a scary thought. But if $50 is just too much, please agree
to $25 or at least $10 TODAY! For Liberty,  Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. The
truth is, the longer society stays shut down, the greater the risk to BOTH the economic and physical
health of every American. Society will never be able to live with coronavirus until we start
living with it! Signing your OPEN UP NOW!
Directive -- and your critical financial
support -- will add rocket fuel to C4L's grassroots activists' efforts in our next wave of targeted states, including Alabama,
Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Virginia, and Wisconsin. . . And your signed Directive
will send the political class NATIONWIDE a message LOUD and CLEAR -- they DO NOT have the consent of the governed to continue
destroying livelihoods and trample on our liberties! sign at once >> |