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Dear John,

As we mark our first full month in quarantine, I hope that you and your families are safe and healthy. None of us know how long this will last or what will happen next, but for the first time, we're starting to see signs of flattening the curve.

Our sacrifices are working, whether that's staying at home, washing your hands, or covering your cough. But we cannot get complacent. We must continue to practice social distancing for the sake of our health and the safety of our communities.

This week, the Senate unanimously passed a new $484 billion relief package that will soon become law. My Democratic colleagues and I fought to ensure this bill included $25 billion for COVID-19 testing across the country, and it will also provide desperately needed aid to small businesses and health systems across the country. This bill is an important step, but there's still much more that needs to be done.

I'm already working as hard as I can - with colleagues from both sides of the aisle - to assess what additional steps must be taken to support our economy and keep people safe. I'm fighting particularly hard for aid to states like Delaware that aren't getting badly-needed support from the federal government. I'm also leading an effort with Senators Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota and Ron Wyden from Oregon to ensure that every American can vote by mail this fall - no matter what state they live in.

These are challenging times, but I've never been more inspired. From the Facebook groups for sewing and distributing masks to the teachers helping their students cope and learn to the community organizations organizing to provide meals to health care workers and first responders, once again, Delawareans are coming together to support each other.

If you are financially able, will you help our neighbors in need with a contribution to the Delaware Does More COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund? Any amount you give today will make a meaningful difference during this crisis.

In the weeks and months ahead, I will continue to do everything in my power to help our state and our country weather this storm. I also encourage you to visit or dial 2-1-1 for up-to-date information on COVID-19.

Thank you,


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