Plus, new gun safety distinction.

Hi John,

The Senate has passed additional funding for small businesses. The House is expected to pass the measure today. This is good news for our community, but we must ensure the money gets into the hands of those who need it most.

Too many of our AZ-06 small businesses needed Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds urgently weeks ago, but they didn't get anything from the first package.


Consider this: Arizona is in the top 10 states to receive *the least* PPP funding when compared to unemployment claims. Yet, the average loan size here is in the top 5.

This means the already limited funds for our small businesses most likely went primarily to big business. We must hold Rep. David Schweikert accountable for this failing. He should be fighting for our community and being our voice.

It seems like a pattern for him though ...  he'll only represent his corporate donors.

Still, we are hopeful that our small business community will finally get some help with this second round. In the meantime, we will continue to highlight our local small businesses and ways to help. We'll also continue to push for more direct assistance for the growing number of unemployed.


1. Masks
We're still providing homemade masks for those who need them. Due to the high demand, we've created a form to simplify the process. Request masks here.

2. Distinction
I'm now officially a Mom's Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate for 2020. I'm honored to have this distinction as gun safety has been a top priority for our movement from the beginning.

During this crisis, with families at home, the threat of gun violence is different but it still exists. It is critical that we demand Red Flag and Safe Storage laws now.  

3. Yard Signs
Many of you have asked about yard signs. Yes, previous yard signs are still good. The design has not changed. If you need a sign, we are collecting requests now. We'll begin delivery when it is safe to do so. Request a yard sign here.

Stay safe,
-Anita Malik

*the above photo was taken earlier in the year before social distancing.