Outrageous Blasphemy Committed
at Olympic Ceremony
From the Desk of Thomas
Dear Friend,
By now you have undoubtedly heard
of Friday’s obscene Olympic
opening ceremony in Paris which featured every possible offense
against the ancient Catholic faith which has been the soul of the
French nation since at least the conversion of Clovis in 508 AD.
Clovis’s holy wife, St. Clotilde, had already embraced the true faith
and encouraged him to be baptized with all his people to extend the
Kingdom of God on this earth.
There is a good reason why France
is called the “Eldest Daughter of the Church.” Clovis and his people
adopted the orthodox Catholic
faith that was defined by the early Church councils, which opposed the
heretical Arianism that had been spreading through the former Roman
Empire at that time.
From the moment Clovis was
baptized, France became the bastion and fierce defender of the
Catholic Faith. It’s not surprising that France’s two greatest kings,
Charlemagne (800s) and King St. Louis IX (1200s) were both warrior
Nor is it surprising that France
was, until the modern age, the breeding ground of every type of saint
from Martin of Tours to Joan of Arc to John Vianney to Therese of
Lisieux and every possible expression of sanctity in between. The
French alone have been responsible for dozens of religious orders that
have evangelized major areas of our globe.
So, the title of this article is
very precise: it wasn’t the
French people who did
this, let alone the faithful Catholics, who had no part in this
It was done by a group of radical
French blasphemers on the left who committed this moral hate crime
against Catholic France. And of course, not one of
those satanic beasts had the courage to make similar displays against
Islam or any other faith.
And let’s be clear: this was a
deliberate provocation which was then broadcast to millions of people
worldwide. That was part of their dark plan.
Even if other peoples around the
world didn’t understand the deliberate anti-Catholic nature of it, no
one could have thought this was a normal display of art from the
culture that built the Gothic cathedrals and brought French
couture to the rest of the
world in everything from food to fashion.
Interpreting the Symbols
There was so much wrong with that
display of filth on Friday night that it’s hard to summarize it all,
so I will focus only on three elements that were highly, if not the
most, offensive to Catholic, and all Christians,
The Last Supper
The central drama of the “Drag
Queen Last Supper” needs no interpretation at all. It will go down in
history as one of the most outrageous public blasphemies of all time.
I need only point out that the Last Supper was the institution and
inauguration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
So, the parody of Leonardo da
Vinci’s painting of the Last Supper was actually a thinly-veiled
attack on the Mass, the spiritual reality that the devil most hates in
this world.
The Beheaded Marie
Because Marie Antoinette was the
most dramatic victim of the French Revolution, it would be easy to see
the blood-covered figure of Marie Antoinette on stage singing while
holding her severed head as a reference to secular French
But that’s not what it
It was, in fact, another satanic
parody of the founding of the Catholic faith on French soil. It
referred to an ancient legend that the saintly first bishop of Paris,
St. Denis, was martyred for the Catholic faith as early as 250 AD. He
was beheaded.
The legend goes on to tell how the
holy martyred bishop, even after the fall of the axe, held his head in
his hands and walked around for a good length of time preaching
repentance to the people who had not yet accepted the Catholic
Why Did They Do This?
First of all, let’s admit that
servants of the Evil One do not need reasons to blaspheme God and His
Church. They only need opportunities, and
the Paris Olympics afforded them the largest stage possible to inject
their satanic blasphemy into the global consciousness.
But there are probably several
specific reasons why something like this happened, especially at this
- France’s
recent elections put extreme leftist radicals in charge of the
government. They are the progeny of the Jacobins of the French
Revolution. Blasphemy and violence are always what result when
atheists and blasphemers take political power.
- The
newly-renovated Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is about to be reopened
and displayed to the world, and the devil is furiously angry that one
of the most potent and well-known symbols of Catholic
culture—consecrated to Our Lady—is returning to its former
Above all, France just changed their
constitution to include a radical legalization of abortion on the
level of our Roe
v. Wade. Nothing like that has ever been seen throughout the entire
history of the Eldest Daughter of the Church. When you open such a
Pandora’s Box of evil like abortion into your culture, you get the
blood curse and all the demons that go with it.
Ultimately, the French people will
have to address this wickedness and turn it back, or they can expect
more evils to come.
As for a truly spiritual response
to spiritual evil, well, it’s going to take more than a few anemic
statements of “disappointment” from random bishops here and there to
rebuke this sacrilege.
Still, we must give credit where
credit is due, and we must thank the likes of Bishop Barron, Bishop
Cozzens (of the National Eucharistic Congress), and the French
Episcopal Conference for speaking out. I’m sure (I hope) there will be
more statements from prelates to come.
Above all, each one of us—members
of the Church Militant—must be part of the global response to this
wickedness. It was certainly a devastating offence against the French
nation, but it was also, and primarily, an overt, in-your-face,
blasphemy against the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
I recall Our Lady of Fatima, during
the apparitions, requesting acts of reparation from the people of God
for the sins and sacrileges being committed throughout the world. So,
I invite you to join me in turning to God, in face of this offense
against Him, and offer some form of reparation for this sinful
And, like Charlemagne and St. Louis
IX and Joan of Arc of old, we stand ready to fight!
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas J McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
P.S. If you have not submitted
your intentions for Operation Storm
Heaven August 1, please take this opportunity to do so