Jack -- You are Cordially Invited to a Green Party Peace Action Webinar:August 6, 20247:30 PM ET, 6:30 CT, 5:30 MT, 4:30 PM PT
Webinar details:
https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcucu-hqz8pHtZysAqFZvCO59JvGEnTbx0H |
PanelistsMadelyn Hoffman is a peace activist and a prominent member of the Green Party of New Jersey. She was a Green Party candidate for public office for several years, including runs for the U.S. Senate and Governor of New Jersey. She is the Co-Chair of the GPAX committee. Madelyn will be the webinar moderator.John LaForge is Co-director of Nukewatch, a peace and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, and is co-editor with Arianne Peterson of “Nuclear Heartland, Revised: A Guide to the 450 Land-Based Missiles of the United States.”Gerry Condon is a longtime U.S. antiwar activist and writer who works closely with active-duty GIs and military veterans. He was a Vietnam war resister and is a former president of Veterans for Peace. He has written extensively on peace issues, including the threat of nuclear war.Ann Suellentrop is a Project Director for Physicians for Social Responsibility – Kansas City, working on issues regarding the KC nuclear weapons plant. Ann is one of the leaders opposing the plant. For 15 years Ann has been part of a local coalition of peace organizations, called PeaceWorks KC, and has been active at the national level with the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability.Haig Hovaness is a peace activist with a professional background in information technology. He is the Co-Chair of the Peace Action Committee of the Green Party of the United States (GPAX). He has written and presented on a variety of defense-related technology issues.The panelists will discuss the growing threat of nuclear war, sharing their experience and knowledge as anti-war activists. GPAX invites you to join us to learn about this issue and what you can do to avert the impending danger.
Webinar details: