The recent SCOTUS decisions make it even more apparent the importance of the down-ballot races.
A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court delivered another awful decision in the Chevron case, which effectively overturned a 1984 precedent that will hamstring federal agencies from implementing strong federal climate policy.
It’s another huge blow to federal climate policy that makes the November 2024 elections even more important.
At Lead Locally, we focus on electing climate champions into state and local offices where they can stand up to the fossil fuel industry and build the Green New Deal from the grassroots up. And the recent SCOTUS decisions make it even more apparent the importance of the down-ballot races — voting in down-ballot elections will be critical to preserving our climate, our environment, and our fundamental rights.
We need to increase support and visibility for down-ballot races now, while there's still time. Sign our pledge to support down-ballot candidates this election season.
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The recent SCOTUS rulings on reproductive rights, climate, and Trump slowly erode the power of the federal government and our democracy.
When the federal government — and the race for the presidency — is in disarray, we need to turn to our local governments. With so much on the line, we need to elect the best leaders we can to local offices to ensure we do not fall behind on increasing reproductive access, passing Green New Deal policies, and so much more.
With your support now, we can work to elect climate-majorities across utility boards, city councils, and state legislatures. John, please add your name to our 2024 down-ballot support pledge.
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Lead Locally