Hey John, welcome to the team!
It’s no exaggeration to say that when young voters show up to the polls, we WIN. And when we stand together, there’s no stopping the progress that we can make.
We’re going to ask you to add your name to join our fight for 2024. But first, let’s take a look at what we’ve accomplished by organizing young voters to make a difference.
Older generations love to paint us with a broad brush and you've heard the stereotypes: we’re all phone-addicted snowflakes who don’t know what’s really going on in the world. That couldn’t be further from the truth, John.
We are not a monolith. We’re the largest generation and our greatest strength is our diversity. We’re not just talking about race. Our backgrounds, education, and lived experiences all come together to make a multi-faceted block of voters who can and WILL make a difference in every election.
We’re not going to shut up.
We’re not going to “wait our turn.”
And we’re not going to back down from this fight for the future we deserve.
The fight for 2024 is going to be intense, and engaging young voters everywhere will be crucial to protecting our democracy. We’ve proven that we can do the work, John. But we can’t do it without you.
Add your name today to join the fight for 2024 and tell the world that the youth vote is here to make a difference.
Let's do this,
NextGen America