While Jeff Van Drew is busy sucking up to Donald Trump, Brigid is going above and beyond to serve her constituents – but she still has an election to win!
She has another COVID-19 briefing tonight, so we’re trying to help her hit our April fundraising goals. In less than a week, we’ll close the books on April and revisit our outreach strategy for the final weeks of this campaign.
Jeff Van Drew has special interests bankrolling his candidacy and other candidates can use family money to buy their support – Brigid is the only candidate relying on working people to share her message. That’s why she’s been endorsed by local leaders, labor unions, and individuals who want leadership for South Jersey that isn’t beholden to the status quo.
Ready to elect Brigid and send Jeff Van Drew packing? Use the links below to rush your donation.
This deadline will dictate whether Brigid can double down on her plan and continue sharing her message, or pull back and risk defeat. We can’t let that happen. Please do whatever you can so we can help Brigid win this race!
-Team Brigid