If North Carolina votes with us, that will be three states that have stood up to the professional politicians and called for term limits in just a few months. And the professional politicians and their special interest allies can't have that. No matter where you live, if you want term limits on Congress, this battle in North Carolina matters to you. Please donate whatever you can today. Your donation will help us break through and force a floor vote on the Term Limits Convention in the North Carolina senate. That's where opponents of term limits are making their stand. If we get a vote, our resolution will pass and we will be one step closer to bypassing Congress and imposing term limits on the U.S. House and Senate. However, I need your help. We need to mobilize the pro-term limits majority in North Carolina. We especially need to buy more online ads. So please help us today. Please! This is a perfect opportunity to make your donation really make a difference. Every dollar you give online will be doubled. And it will help us advance the cause of term limits. Please give whatever you can. Sincerely, Philip Blumel President |