Let's make transport better, greener and fairer for all.
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It is time for sustainable transport to come first

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Finally, the new Government is prioritising sustainable public transport and it seems to be heading in the right direction. Can you make a regular donation, and help to ensure that ambitious rhetoric translates to meaningful changes on the ground?
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Campaign for Better Transport only exists thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, because we are entirely funded by voluntary donations.

When you set up a regular donation today, you will be helping to champion sustainable transport with the new Government, the public and in the media, and to launch campaigns to protect and enhance public transport and put the passenger at the heart of decisions about public transport.
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Thank you so much to everyone who helped to campaign around the election, including those who donated and who contacted their parliamentary candidates.

Thanks to a period of concerted effort we find ourselves in a good position to influence the new Government over the course of this parliament. We are meeting new MPs, meeting with the new team in the Department for Transport, and we are arranging a transport focussed event for MPs new and old.

So now, our work truly begins. We pivot post-election to monitoring the activities of the new government, ensuring that buses, trams, trains and rail freight are put front and centre and pushing for promises to become reality.

Please set up a regular donation to help play a key part in the future of transport. This is a time of significant hope for the future of public transport, and our role is more important than ever.
Make a regular donation
Together let’s ensure our government is as ambitious on sustainable transport as it needs to be, and make sure the funding and structure is in place to realise that ambition.


Ben Curtis
Head of External Affairs
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