News from Congressman Andy Biggs


The Week in Review 

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a wonderful week. I am grateful to serve you all in the 118th Congress. Read below to see what I’ve been working on this week.

USSS Failed its No-Fail Mission, and Congress Demands Answers

Following the House Oversight & Accountability Committee’s hearing to investigate the attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump, I sent a letter to United States Secret Service (USSS) then-Director Kimberly Cheatle regarding the failures of her agency in protecting the life of a former President and current presidential candidate. Secret Service’s failure to properly secure the location resulted in the tragic death of firefighter Corey Comperatore, who lost his life protecting his family, and critical injuries to two other rally goers, David Dutch and James Copenhaver.

My letter demands that Director Cheatle provide the following information in furtherance of the House’s investigation:

  1. All notes from Secret Service advance team personnel compiled in preparation for the July 13, 2024 rally.
  2. All documentation related to the establishment of the security perimeter for the rally.
  3. All documentation related to the number of Secret Service personnel as well as the number of personnel from other law enforcement agencies present at the rally, including Homeland Security Investigations.
  4. All documentation identifying potential security vulnerabilities outside the perimeter.
  5. All documentation related to options for cover or concealment to disrupt potential security vulnerabilities.
  6. The full, day-of security plan, outlining the use of video monitoring, drone or helicopter use, and the assignments of Secret Service and local law enforcement personnel and their responsibilities—including information on the procedure for ensuring personnel were in place on the day of the rally.
  7. All information on the procedures in place for Secret Service and local law enforcement for the engagement of potential threats, including all communications plans between agencies as well as documentation of any interagency communication which took place.
  8. All other relevant documentation, including the counter-sniper grid books and the technical services division’s advance sheets.

The letter requests that the agency provide this information by July 31, 2024.

The attempted assassination of President Trump and consequent murder of Mr. Comperatore was a senseless act of political violence that never should have occurred.

That President Trump came within inches of losing his life is unacceptable. Secret Service’s failures must be investigated to the fullest extent ensuring that such chaos is prevented in the future.

Ms. Cheatle’s resignation does not conclude the House’s investigation into this matter. I look forward to providing answers for the American people.

The letter may be read here.

Fox News covered the letter here.

House Oversight & Accountability Committee

The House Oversight Committee held a hearing titled “Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service and the Attempted Assassination of President Donald J. Trump.” We pressed U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle for answers on the egregious security lapses that led to the attempted assassination of President Trump, the murder of an innocent victim, and harm to others in the crowd at the campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Director Cheatle could not or refused to answer basic questions from Committee members, leading Republican and Democrat members to call for Director Cheatle’s immediate resignation. 

Key questions Director Cheatle failed to answer:

  • Did the Secret Service deny President Trump’s campaign additional security? If so, when and how many times?
  • Why did Secret Service fail to secure a rooftop in proximity to the rally site and with a clear view of President Trump’s podium?
  • Were agents positioned at the rally site affiliated with Secret Service or another Department?
  • Was there any intelligence gathered by Secret Service on the gunman?
  • How were Secret Service resources deployed at the rally site?
  • Was there advanced planning by Secret Service leading up to the campaign rally?  

Director Cheatle couldn’t answer my simple question of whether or not the gunman acted alone. Her nonanswer responses were unacceptable, and I called on her to resign in my interaction with her. Click the image below to watch some of the interaction:


Though she should have resigned almost immediately after the failures of July 13th, Director Cheatle resigned the day following her testimony to the Oversight Committee. Her resignation, however, does not conclude our investigation into the failures of the Secret Service. Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) and I introduced a resolution requiring DHS to hand over all Secret Service documents, records, and communications regarding the rally in Pennsylvania. I’ll keep you posted on the Committee’s findings.


The House Oversight Committee held a second hearing titled “The Role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers in Prescription Drug Markets Part III: Transparency and Accountability.” My colleagues and I pressed Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) chief executives on their role in rising prescription drug costs. We exposed how PBMs have collaborated to monopolize the pharmaceutical marketplace and push deliberate, anticompetitive policies that undermine local pharmacies, raise the cost of lifesaving drugs, and harm patients across the country. I discussed my concerns over PBMs limiting options for service members and steering patients to preferred service providers. Click the image below to watch my questions:


The subcommittee on Government and the Federal Workforce held a hearing titled “Oversight of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE).” CIGIE was designed to ensure accountability in the Inspector General community.  My colleagues and I discussed various aspects and responsibilities of the Council with its chair, Mark Greenblatt, the Inspector General for the Department of the Interior.

One component of CIGIE, the Integrity Committee, which investigates allegations of wrongdoing by Inspectors General and certain staff, has raised serious due process concerns. Congress has faced challenges gaining insight into its operations and investigations. I previously sent a letter to Integrity Committee Chairman Kevin Winters asking questions about previous investigations and look forward to getting full answers to those questions. Click the image below to watch my interaction with Chairman Greenblatt:


House Judiciary Committee Activity

I chaired a hearing for the subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance titled “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.” We received testimony from Colette Peters, Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). We examined BOPs operations, management, and staffing challenges. Click the image below to watch my interaction with Director Peters:


The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.” We discussed the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the attempted assassination of President Trump with Director Chris Wray. He was more forthcoming with answers to our questions than USSS Director Cheatle in Oversight, and we learned that the would-be assassin flew a drone around the area for approximately eleven minutes around 4:00 pm. Director Wray confirmed that the FBI has recovered bullets and shell casings from the rooftop where the shooter was located, and analysis suggests that they were all fired from the rifle. Wray and the FBI believe that the gunman was working alone. We will continue working to uncover information, and I’ll keep you posted on our progress. Click the image below to see my questions to Director Wray:


Continuing the Fight for Conservative Priorities in the FY25 Appropriations Bills

The House is continuing the appropriations process to fund the government before current funding expires on September 30. Under the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the House is supposed to finish consideration of the 12 individual appropriations bills by June 30, though the last time that happened was 1976. This week, we considered, debated, and passed H.R. 8998, Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025. I voted in support of this bill.

H.R. 8998 is a step in the right direction and includes many strong conservative priorities. It promotes American oil, gas, and critical mineral production, cuts down radical Green New Deal policies, and prohibits funding to the woke initiatives of the Biden-Harris Administration. After passing the House by a vote of 210-205, it now advances to the Senate for consideration. I’ll keep you updated as we continue the spending fight.

Click the images below to hear more about the conservative victories in H.R. 8998:




Letters and Legislation

Bills Cosponsored:

  • H.R. 3644 - ACT for Veterans Act (Latta) 
  • H.R. 9034 - To prohibit the use of Federal funds for the salary of the Director of the United States Secret Service. (Rep. Boebert) 
  • H.R. 9080 - The Secret Service Readiness Act (Rep. Brecheen) 
  • H.Res. 1365 - Calling for the termination of United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle from her position, effective immediately. (Rep. Langworthy) 
  • H.Res. 1377 - Directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 7 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution all documents, records, and communications in the possession of the Secretary of Homeland Security relating to the July 13, 2024, attempted assassination of former President Donald J. Trump, and for other purposes. (Rep. Crane) 
  • H.R. 9169 - Health in SNAP Act of 2024 (Rep. Rosendale)

Letters Led:

  • Letter to USSS Director Cheatle re Secret Service Failures During Attempted Assassination of President Trump

Letters Cosigned:

  • Letter to VA Secretary McDonough re VA OIG Report (Rep. Stanton)

Alien Invasion Border Documentary

Check out my border documentary titled Alien Invasion. The 30-minute documentary features footage from private ranches along the border, the Darien Gap in Panama, and interviews with members of Congress, Border Patrol, local and state law enforcement, and much more. It addresses how President Biden’s border crisis began, its consequences, and solutions to address the crisis.

The border documentary may be watched here.


Welcoming the 2024 National Champion ASU Men’s Swim and Dive Team to the Capitol

It was a pleasure to welcome Arizona State University’s men’s swim and dive team to the Capitol today. 

They won the program’s first NCAA championship earlier this year. 

Congratulations to all of these hardworking and talented student-athletes!





Team Biggs Attends Grand Opening of Polaris Academy

Team Biggs was honored to attend the grand opening of Polaris Academy.

Polaris Academy is a K-8th grade school for students with autism.

I wish them success in helping these students achieve great things!


Meeting with UA President Dr. Robert Robbins

It was great to meet with Dr. Robert Robbins, President of the University of Arizona.

I’m thankful he dropped by my office!


Service Academy Nominations for Class of 2029 Now Open

Every year, my office has the pleasure of interviewing and nominating some of the brightest young men and women in Arizona to the most prestigious military institutions in the world.

Students interested in attending a U.S. Service Academy need to apply and obtain a congressional or presidential nomination in order to receive an appointment to four of the five Service Academies: U.S. Military Academy (USMA), West Point, NY; the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis, MD; the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO; and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Kings Point, NY.

Our nomination applications for the Class of 2029 are now open for students from Arizona’s Fifth District. Applications must be submitted by October 25, 2024. 

To request a Military Academy Nomination from my office or additional information, please contact Victoria Armijo at (480) 980-9609 or [email protected] for an application packet.

The Congressional App Challenge is Back!

Applications are now open for the 2024 Congressional App Challenge! I encourage all interested Arizona students to participate for the chance to have your app featured in the U.S. Capitol and on the House of Representatives’ website. 

Visit the Congressional App Challenge website to register before October 24th:


Top Media Appearances of the Week

I joined Fox News’s Harris Faulkner to discuss USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle’s resignation. Click the image below to listen to some of the segment:


I joined Edward Lawrence on Fox Business to discuss the crucial investigations into the Secret Service that must be conducted. Click the image below to listen to some of the segment:


I joined War Room with guest host Dr. Peter Navarro to discuss his experience with the weaponized federal government. Click the image below to watch some of the segment:


Tweet of the Week 


  Constituent Services 

Would you like to purchase a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol? Flags flown over the Capitol include a certificate, which may be personalized for a particular person, event, or organization. Click here to learn more about purchasing a flag.

If you or someone you know is interested in completing an internship in either my Mesa or Washington, D.C. office, they can apply directly on my website

Help With a Federal Agency 
I you can’t get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, my office may be able to help resolve a problem or get you the information you need. For example, my office routinely helps constituents with issues involving the Veterans Administration, the IRS, the Social Security Administration, the State Department, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. You can learn more by visiting my website.

Click here to find out more information about my office’s services. 

Tours and Tickets

Interested in touring the White House or U.S. Capitol? As constituents of the Fifth Congressional District, you may request tickets and tours for various Washington D.C. destinations from my office. 

All tickets are provided to constituents on a first-come, first-served basis, so request tickets early.

Click here for more information.


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