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Dear John, 

Building political clout is one of the most important things we can do to advance a cause. Last year we launched a free book, The 50CAN Guide to Political Advocacy, to help issue advocates get political. Now we are bringing the ideas in that guidebook to life in a new live weekly webinar series called Election Essentials, in collaboration with Our Turn Action Network.

Each week I will be joined by Our Turn Action Network’s Christian Esperias for an interactive exploration of the strategies and tactics needed to build and run your own political advocacy effort. Together we have three decades of electoral experience across 32 states.

The first live video webinar, “Determining if a Candidate Supports Your Issues,” will be at 1:00 PM-1:45 p.m. ET on Wednesday, April 29. Future topics will include: determining the political viability of a candidate, election work in a time of social distancing, maximizing a limited budget, reading and writing polls and much more! 

I hope you'll join us. Click here to register.


Jonathan Nikkila
Senior Vice President
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