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Rep. Loudermilk Seeks Answers from U.S. Capitol Police on Gallows Investigation

Washington D.C. (July 23, 2024) | This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Chairman of the Committee on House Administration's Oversight Subcommittee wrote United States Capitol Police  (USCP) Chief J. Thomas Manger to request records and information relating to USCP's investigation into the gallows assembled on the Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021.


Since January 6, 2021, photos and videos of the gallows have been widely circulated and featured prominently by the Democrats' former January 6 Select Committee and even by President Biden in his short-lived reelection campaign.

Despite this, there are very few answers as to who is responsible for the gallows' construction. The individuals captured on CCTV have never been identified, and it remains a mystery why the gallows were allowed to be assembled and stay in place for such a long time.



On the morning of January 6, 2021, a group of unidentified individuals constructed a gallows on Capitol Grounds. Between 6:30 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. that morning, the group constructed the platform and two main pillars of the gallows, only leaving off the crossbeam. Around this time, two individuals left the area, walking north on Third Street. They returned shortly after that and then subsequently left Capitol Grounds.

At approximately 1:00 p.m., the group returned to the site of the partially erected gallows and completed its construction by adding the crossbeam and a noose made of bright orange rope. After completing its construction, the group of individuals left the area. The gallows remained intact until approximately 9:15 a.m. on January 7.

After January 6th, the noose from the gallows was recovered by an Australian journalist and turned over to the FBI. However, three years later, the FBI still has no suspects.

The Capitol Police Guidelines for Conducting an event on United States Capitol Grounds explicitly state, “(t)emporary structures of any kind may not be erected on Capitol Grounds,” which would imply that a gallows—a temporary structure—may not be allowed on Capitol Grounds and would immediately be addressed and/or removed once discovered. However, these gallows were left untouched by USCP officers from 6:00 a.m. on January 6 until the next morning.

Photos of persons of interest can be found below. If you have any information regarding the January 6 gallows, please contact [email protected].


To read the full letter, click here.


Rep. Loudermilk Demands DHS Secretary Mayorkas Hand Over U.S. Secret Service Report on Jan. 6 Events 

Washington D.C. (July 24, 2024) | This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Chairman of the Committee on House Administration's Oversight Subcommittee wrote to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandros Mayorkas on the refusal to release outstanding reports concerning the security failures on and around January 6, 2021.


The Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (“DHS OIG”) has a number of outstanding reports, including:

  1. Department of Homeland Security Law Enforcement Preparation for and Response to the January 6, 2021 Events at the U.S. Capitol
  2. United States Secret Service Preparation for and Response to the Events of January 6, 2021

"This obstruction appears to be a pattern of behavior to delay or prevent the release of certain reports that could be damaging to the Department of Homeland Security," said Rep. Loudermilk. "At a time when the security forces of our country are under extreme scrutiny, to delay or slowwalk the release of these reports is unacceptable. I look forward to the answers these reports will uncover, and my team and I will be holding Mayorkas responsible for his failures."

Excerpts from the letter include:

"The Subcommittee independently obtained confirmation that the United States Secret Service Preparation for and Response to the Events of January 6, 2021, report is complete. Additionally, we are aware that the Secret Service has reviewed and cleared this report. Therefore, you alone are preventing the DHS IG from releasing this report to Congress. Given the events of July 13, 2024, yet another security failure by the U.S. Secret Service (“USSS”) to detect and prevent a serious threat to a protectee, there is absolutely no justification for your delay."


"Based on information provided to this Subcommittee, since Secretary Mayorkas was confirmed in 2021, DHS has repeatedly obstructed, delayed, or denied the ability of the DHS OIG to conduct effective oversight, as is mandated by the Inspector General Act of 1978. Such examples include refusing to provide documents on the grounds of the Presidential Records Act and the Privacy Act, as well as instructing DHS employees not to provide documents directly to the DHS OIG. However, these reasons for obstruction purposely misunderstand the role of the DHS OIG to conduct internal reviews. Regulations such as the Privacy Act apply to releasing information to the public, not the Inspector General."


Following January 6, 2021, the DHS IG announced a review of the USSS, including but not limited to a review of the DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis’s responsibility for providing intelligence to law enforcement, whether I&A fulfilled its responsibility, as well as DHS law enforcement components’ roles and actions on January 6, 2021.

They released one intelligence failures report in April of 2022, but have failed to release the others.

To read the full letter, click here.


U.S. House Passes Legislation to Fight Against Biden's Anti-American Energy Agenda, Hold the U.S. Secret Service Accountable, and Condemn the Biden-Harris Administration for Border Security Failures

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) supported several critical pieces of legislation to fight against Biden's far left anti-American energy agenda, hold the U.S. Secret Service accountable for failing to protect President Donald Trump, and strongly condemn the Biden-Harris Administration for their failure to secure our southern border. Bills are as follows:


H.R. 8998 – Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Act – Rep. Mike Simpson (ID-2)

The FY25 Interior Appropriations Act promotes American oil, gas, and critical mineral production, fully funds the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program and prioritizes funding for Tribes and Wildland Fire Management, including permanently addressing wildland firefighter pay and capacity, reins in the Biden Administration’s job-killing climate & environmental regulations, and reduces EPA funding by 20%.

  • Provides $38.478 billion in total discretionary funding, $72 million (0.2%) below the FY24 enacted level and $4.407 billion (10%) below the President’s Budget Request
  • Strengthens our national security and supports domestic energy production and the economic benefits that come with it.
    • Requires the Secretary of the Interior to:
      • Resume quarterly onshore oil and gas lease sales.
      • Issue 5-year offshore oil and gas leasing programs on time.
      • Conduct lease sales in the Central Gulf of Mexico Planning Area, the Western Gulf of Mexico Planning Area, and the Alaska region.
      • Conduct Lease Sale 262 in the Gulf of Mexico.
    • Prohibits funds to cancel oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.
    • Expands access to critical minerals by blocking certain Bureau of Land Management (BLM) withdrawals in Minnesota and reinstating mineral leases in the Superior National Forest.
    • Prohibits EPA from imposing the Inflation Reduction Act methane fee on oil and gas producers.
  • Halts the Biden Administration’s radical, Green New Deal agenda.
    • Blocks EPA’s regulations on light, medium, and heavy-duty vehicles.
    • Blocks the NEPA rules that give agencies broad leeway to incorporate climate change in permitting and include social cost of carbon in permit evaluations.
    • Prohibits funds for the EPA’s Clean Power Plan 2.0 and regulatory overreach regarding ozone emissions, particulate matter, and steam electric power plants.
    • Blocks funds for the American Climate Corps, Climate Justice Alliance, and ecogrief counseling.
    • Prohibits agencies from using the Social Cost of Carbon in cost-benefit analyses and blocks the Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases.
  • Protects access to America’s public lands.
    • Blocks restrictions on hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting on federal lands.
    • Stops BLM’s Conservation and Landscape Health rule to ensure continued access to public lands for grazing, recreation, and energy development.
    • Blocks a regulation that would make it harder for Americans to use traditional ammunition and fishing tackle, and prohibits restrictions on where lead ammunition and fishing tackle can be used.
    • Stops the Administration’s 30x30 initiative, ensuring access to federal lands for mineral exploration and development.
    • Prohibits multiple U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rulings used to weaponize the Endangered Species Act against land users and energy producers.
  • Prohibits funding for woke, far-Left priorities including:
    • Promoting or advancing critical race theory;
    • Executive orders on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI);
    • COVID-19 mask or vaccine mandates; and
    • Housing for illegal aliens in National Parks.


Click here for a summary of the FY25 Interior bill. 


H. Res. 1367 – Establishing the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump – Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-16)

The Task Force will be empowered with all investigative authority of the House of Representatives, including subpoena authority.


The goal of the Task Force will be threefold: 

  • To understand what went wrong on the day of the attempted assassination
  • To ensure accountability
  • To prevent such an agency failure from ever happening again


The Task Force will make recommendations for reform to the relevant government agencies and recommend any necessary legislation to implement the reforms.


The Task Force will be comprised of seven Republicans and six Democrats.

H. Res. 1371 – Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris', failure to secure the United States border – Rep. Elise Stefanik

This resolution resolves that the House of Representatives strongly condemns the Biden Administration and Border Czar Harris’s failure to secure the U.S. border, affirms that the American people deserve elected officials who understand the gravity of the crisis at the border and who will execute the policies to fix the border crisis, and states that the continuation of the Biden-Harris border policies would be disastrous for the American people.

  • On March 24, 2021, President Biden tasked Vice President Harris with working to address illegal immigration into the U.S., including ‘‘root causes.” As Border Czar, it took Harris 93 days before finally visiting the southern border.
    • Former Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz stated that during his two years in the position, ‘‘I’ve never had one conversation with the president [Biden] or the vice president [Harris], for that matter. I was the Chief of the Border Patrol, I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.’’
  • As a result of the Biden-Harris Administration’s far-Left open-borders policies, including ending President Trump’s successful remain in Mexico program, America is experiencing the worst border crisis in our nation’s history. Since this Administration took office:
    • Over 7.9 million illegal immigrants have been encountered at the southern border.
    • Roughly 2 million known gotaways – more known gotaways that in the previous decade combined – have evaded Border Patrol.
    • Over 400 illegal immigrants with ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network have entered the U.S. The whereabouts of over 50 of these individuals remains unknown.
    • At least 400,000 illegal immigrants have been flown into the country through the abuse of parole programs.
  • The Biden-Harris border crisis is costing the U.S. approximately $150.7 billion each year and each taxpayer $1,156 each year.

Rep. Loudermilk Asks Witnesses About Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Application in Payment and Financial Messaging 

In case you missed it, this week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) asked witnesses about the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in modern payment and financial messaging during a House Financial Services Committee hearing. 


Specifically, he discussed the benefits of having an information-rich financial messaging standard that has greater integration with AI. This new standard would enhance the speed and accuracy of payments as well as their security. 


Click here or below to tune in. 


Rep. Loudermilk Questions Witness About Restoring Congressional Accountability to Federal Agencies

In case you missed it, this week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) also questioned Paul Ray, Director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation, about what accountability measures Congress can take to ensure federal agencies strictly adhere to Congressional authority and legislative intent in the federal rulemaking process. 


Click here or below to tune in. 


Rep. Loudermilk Demands Answers on Oversight of Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Reports on January 6 Security Failures

Additionally, in case you missed it, this week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) was waived onto and participated in questioning Mark Greenblatt of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency during a House Oversight Committee hearing. 


Specifically, he asked Greenblatt about whether Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandros Mayorkas' refusal to release outstanding Inspector General (IG) reports concerning the numerous security failures occurring on and around January 6, 2021 is appropriate or illegal.


Click here or below to tune in. 


Rep. Loudermilk Supports Resolution Calling for the Termination of U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) joined Rep. Nick Langworthy (NY-23) in supporting H. Res. 1365, a resolution demanding the termination of U.S. Secret Service (USSS) Director Kimberly Cheatle. This follows the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump, the death of fire chief Corey Comperatore, and the injury of others on July 13, 2024.


Kimberly Cheatle ultimately resigned from the U.S. Secret Service on July 23, 2024, following mounting public pressure from Congress following her testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee where she took zero accountability for the operational and security failures on that day.


To read the full text of the resolution, click here


Rep. Loudermilk Supports Resolution Condemning Trump Assassination Attempt 

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) joined Rep. Andy Ogles (TN-5) in supporting H. Res. 1378, a resolution condemning the assassination attempt of President Donald Trump. The resolution states that the shooting at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13 was an "abhorrent act of cowardice that must be universally condemned." It also declares that the "only appropriate place for the Nation to settle political disputes is at the ballot box on election day." 


The resolution is also cosponsored by Reps. Kelly Armstrong (ND-AL), Barry Moore (AL-2), Bill Posey (FL-8), Byron Donalds (FL-19), Eric Burilson (MO-7), Mary Miller (IL-15), Diana Harshbarger (TN-1), Doug Lamborn (CO-5), Jeff Duncan (SC-3), Randy Weber (TX-14), Mike Waltz (FL-6), Jeff Van Drew (NJ-2), Don Bacon (NE-2), Brian Babin (TX-36), Matt Rosendale (MT-2), Alex Mooney (WV-2), Tom Tiffany (WI-7), and Lauren Boebert (CO-3).


To read the full text of H. Res. 1378, click here.

To read the exclusive in the Washington Examiner, click here


Rep. Loudermilk Cosponsors Legislation Restoring Parental Rights

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) joined Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC-5) in cosponsoring H.R. 6934, the Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act, which affirms parents have a fundamental right to control the upbringing of their child. Furthermore, this critical legislation prevents the federal government from infringing on the fundamental rights of parents without first passing the strict scrutiny test. It also allows parents to use the violation of this right in judicial and or administrative proceedings on the state and federal levels.



The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act aims to protect parents’ rights to direct their children’s upbringing. Specifically, this legislation: 

  1. Affirms parents have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children;
  2. Prevents the federal government from substantially burdening this fundamental right of parents without first passing the strict scrutiny test; and
  3. Allows parents to raise a violation of the Act as a claim or defense in judicial or administrative proceedings at the federal and state levels.

To read the full bill text of H.R. 6934, the Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act, click here


Rep. Loudermilk Cosponsors Legislation to Reauthorize the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) joined Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-4) in cosponsoring H.R. 7025, legislation to reauthorize the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), which is set to expire later this year through September 2026.



Established in 1998, the independent commission is tasked with defending the universal right to freedom of religion or belief abroad, reviewing reports of religious freedom violations and making policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and Congress. USCIRF Commissioners are appointed by the President and the congressional leadership of both political parties.


To read the full bill text of H.R. 7025, click here.


Rep. Loudermilk Cosponsors Legislation Authorizing FIFA World Cup 2026 Commemorative Coin

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) joined Rep. Darin LaHood (IL-16) in cosponsoring H.R. 7438, the FIFA World Cup 2026 Commemorative Coin Act, to authorize the production of coins to commemorate the FIFA World Cup 2026, which is being hosted by the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The coins would be minted at no additional cost to taxpayers, and the proceeds would support U.S.-based soccer programs, specifically for youth and underserved communities.



Congress can authorize two commemorative coins to be produced by the U.S. Mint for each calendar year to celebrate, among many things, major American events and, in turn, raise money for important causes. The FIFA World Cup 2026 Commemorative Coin Act would authorize production of $5 gold coins, $1 silver coins, and half-dollar clad coins to commemorate the FIFA World Cup 2026.

The FIFA World Cup 2026 is being planned and executed by FWC2026 US, Inc., a designated 501(c)4 not-for-profit. Proceeds from coins sales will be paid to FWC2026 US, Inc. to help U.S.-based soccer programs and activities, including efforts to grow the sport of soccer throughout the United States, with a focus on youth, inner cities, and underserved communities.

To read the full bill text of H.R. 7438, the FIFA World Cup 2026 Commemorative Coin Act, click here.


IN THE NEWS: Lawmaker alleges stonewalling at DHS on Secret Service report

The Washington Post:


A congressional subcommittee chairman on Wednesday accused the Department of Homeland Security of stalling publication of a report on the Secret Service’s handling of the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former president Donald Trump.


In a letter to the DHS, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) accused Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of delaying the release of an inspector general report that might have been critical of the department while providing insight into any Secret Service deficiencies before the assassination attempt against Trump this month at a campaign rally in Butler, Pa.


There is absolutely no justification for your delay,” Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration subcommittee on oversight, which has jurisdiction over Capitol security, wrote to Mayorkas.



IN THE NEWS: House subcommittee releases thousands of hours of new J6 footage

Just The News:


House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk on Monday released an additional 4,000+ hours of United States Capitol Police (USCP) footage of the January 6 riot.

Loudermilk's committee is working on a new investigation into the Capitol riot, after he claimed that the work of the Democrat-led Select Committee on the January 6 Capitol Attack was so tainted that the final report should be invalidated.



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