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Showing Up for our Local Communities 


Wonderful to speak with the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice at the Capitol this week! We are proud to stand by fantastic groups in New Jersey like the Bayard Rustin Center who create important space for creativity and inclusivity and tirelessly work to uplift the needs and voices of our LGBTQ+ community.

Celebrating Students and Staying Engaged!


Throughout the week, Congressman Kim had the chance to spend time with impressive students from New Jersey and across the nation. Early in the week, he spoke with WISH Housing Summer Interns, many of whom are students at Rutgers and interns on Capitol Hill. He had a great time speaking with them about his own path to public service and their interest in staying engaged in politics and their communities.

He also got to meet with two local student musicians, Derek and Livia, who are making New Jersey proud as a part of the Kennedy Center’s National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute! 

Last but not least, we helped celebrate National Intern Day this week with our current interns in our Capitol Hill office! We are so grateful to all our interns, past and present, for helping our office serve our communities!


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