From 4Culture <>
Subject Public Art Calls for Artists + April 2020
Date April 23, 2020 6:25 PM
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4Culture + Public Art Calls
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Each month we send out artist calls managed by 4Culture, as well as a selection of calls submitted to us by organizations around the world. Visit our website ([link removed]) to see all open calls, grants, jobs, and other opportunities.

** 4Culture Calls

** South County Recycling + Transfer Station
Deadline: April 30, 2020, 4PM PDT
Budget: $500,000 OR $540,000
Two budget options are available for this opportunity with specific application requirements:
* Non-mentorship option for individual artists and artist teams: $500,000 (Budget is inclusive of artist fee, fabrication and installation of artwork(s), applicable taxes and travel)
* Mentorship option for artists applying as mentor and mentee artist(s): $540,000 (Budget is inclusive of artist fees for both the mentor and mentee artist(s), fabrication and installation of artwork(s), applicable taxes and travel. $40,000 will be held aside to pay the mentee artist(s) directly. If there are multiple mentee artists, that amount will be divided evenly between them.)

Eligibility: open to professional artists and artist-led teams residing in the Washington, Oregon or British Columbia. Artists whose work is focused on sustainability and the environment, reuse of materials, and/or naturally-sourced materials are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants with cultural connections to The Muckleshoot Tribe of Indians and those who identify as Indigenous or underrepresented as well as artists who have an interest or history in education or mentorship of emerging artists are also strongly encouraged to apply.

4Culture and King County’s Solid Waste Division (SWD) seek an artist or artist-led team to create site-specific or site-integrated artwork for the new South County Recycling & Transfer Station (SCRTS). Artworks can respond but are not limited to the following site-factors, considerations and typologies:
* Habitat/Ecologies
* We stand on Indigenous Land
* Mentorship
* Community-based practice

The artist(s) will work with the project team and project consultants in the hope of a collaborative relationship.

Details › ([link removed])

** South County Recycling + Transfer Station: Site-Based, Generative Artist Residency
Deadline: April 30, 2020, 4PM PDT
Budget: Total budget: $90,000
Artist fee: $60,000
Purchase of produced artworks: up to $30,000
Total budget is inclusive of artist fee, production costs for a body of work that should be ready to display, install or exhibit upon completion of the residency, and applicable taxes and travel for the entirety of the three-year term. Artwork(s) produced through the residency may become part of the King County Public Art Collection, with specifics determined at a later date.

Eligibility: open to professional artists who reside in Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. Applicants may work in a variety of media including (but not limited to) two-dimensional analog, direct digital, or print media such as photography or illustration, filmmaking or other moving image methodologies, sound, and social practice. Artists whose work is focused on sustainability and the environment, reuse of materials, and/or naturally-sourced materials are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants with cultural connections to The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and those who identify as Indigenous, underrepresented, or emerging will be prioritized.

4Culture and King County’s Solid Waste Division (SWD) seek an artist or artist team for a site-based, generative residency at the new South County Recycling & Transfer Station (SCRTS). The selected artist(s) will have a relationship with the site and surrounding community over the span of the project duration of approximately 3 years and will create work that embodies or is imbued with a sense of this site and place.

Details › ([link removed])

** Other Public Art Listings

** Friends of the Troll's Knoll

** Troll’s Knoll Call for Public Art Installation
Deadline: April 24, 2020
Budget: Up to $3,000, which includes creating artwork, equipment rentals, supplies, travel, insurance, permits, taxes, etc.
Eligibility: Open to artists, teaching artists, or artist teams living in WA State. No application fee.

Details › ([link removed])

** lusio (Volunteer Park, Seattle)

** Call for Art: Lusio Light Festival
Deadline: April 30, 2020
Budget: Pending grants; Lusio is offering a small stipend for selected artists.
Eligibility: This call for art is open to any individual artists and artist groups.

Details › ([link removed])

** Seattle Office of Arts & Culture

** Public Art Portable Works Purchase – Seattle Together: Creating the Future
Deadline: May 7, 2020
Budget: A total of up to $150,000 for all artworks is available for this direct purchase.
Eligibility: This call is open to professional artists who are residents of the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Montana, Idaho, and Alaska).

Details › ([link removed])

** Amplifier

** Global Open Call for Art
Deadline: May 8, 2020
Budget: $1,000 for selected artists
Eligibility: Global

Details › ([link removed])

** Rockville, MD

** Public Art: Rockville Swim and Fitness Center
Deadline: May 15, 2020
Budget: $100,000
Eligibility: Open to all artists. This Call for Artists is a national call.

Details › ([link removed])

** Rockville, MD

** Rockville Gateway Art Project
Deadline: May 15, 2020
Budget: $250,000
Eligibility: Open to all artists. This Call for Artists is a national call.

Details › ([link removed])

** Orem, UT

** Public Art: The UVU School of Business Building
Deadline: May 15, 2020
Budget: $511,000
Eligibility: Resident American or legal resident artists / artist teams are encouraged to apply.

Details › ([link removed])

** Stevens Point, WI

** 2020 Stevens Point Sculpture Park Juried Call
Deadline: May 22, 2020
Budget: $1500 for a three-year loan

Details › ([link removed])

** Champaign-Urbana, Illinois

** 2020 Sculpture Exhibition
Deadline: May 31, 2020
Budget: $2,500 honorarium
Eligibility: This opportunity is open to all professional visual artists, aged 18 and older, with public art experience.

Details › ([link removed])
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