![]() Patriot, It’s official. After days of silence, Joe Biden released a video announcement of his retirement. Joe Biden is now a Lame Duck president. Normally, there’s a short window between election day and inauguration day. But now it’s clear Biden was pushed out by the Democrat party establishment against his will, and it gives him six months left to govern . . . and inflict a lot of damage to our country. His health may be failing, but Biden and his handlers are still quite capable of causing catastrophic destruction over these next six months. You and I are in for a Lame Duck assault on
liberty unlike anything we’ve seen. Now that he doesn’t have to care about being re-elected – he may even hope Kamala Harris loses, just for the “I told you so” – Biden will have nearly six months to do his worst. As former President Barack Obama once
warned: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to [screw] things up.” Just last week, Biden announced plans to attack the U.S. Supreme Court. Biden wants to establish term limits for justices – something the U.S. Constitution does not allow – as well as some sort of “ethics rules” that would be binding and enforceable in violation of the constitutional separation of powers. All of this, of course, is motivated by partisan political hatred of the so-called “conservative-leaning” court. And while these changes would require - at minimum - an act of Congress, that hasn’t stopped the Biden administration before. Remember, Biden is still attempting to unilaterally steal hundreds of billions of dollars from taxpayers, in the name of “student loan forgiveness,” without an act of Congress. Just last week a federal appeals court blocked Biden’s latest student loan cancellation order – one year after the U.S. Supreme Court did so. No wonder the Biden administration has the Supreme Court in its crosshairs. You should also expect another full-frontal assault from the Biden administration against the Second Amendment. Democrats on the U.S. House Oversight Committee spent the better part of their time in the hearing on the shooting of former President Trump to posture about the need to ban rifles, including the most popular design in America, the AR-15. Biden has said repeatedly throughout his term he will “fight like hell to ban ‘assault’ weapons.” Gun-grabbers in BOTH parties want nothing less than a full-fledged national gun registration system while lying to the American public, claiming their expanded “background check” schemes are just for “public safety.” And with a razor-thin majority, they only need a handful of Republican votes in the House to get more gun control. Remember, they’ve already gotten unconstitutional “Red Flag” funding through the Republican-controlled House! That’s why your action today is
so critical. Because without your help, I’m concerned we won’t be able to muster the resources we’ll need to fight the radical Biden agenda through the last six months of this Lame Duck presidency. Another likely target – which could see “bipartisan” support in Congress – is encryption technology. Ever since the assassination attempt on former President Trump, the so-called “evils” of encryption technology have been lamented by statist politicians, media talking heads, and the FBI. Since the shooter used a phone that took the FBI days to crack, it’s likely we will see a renewed push by the Deep State to give the government backdoor access to our private records. For years, the statists in the U.S. government have asked, pleaded, and demanded that big tech companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft weaken their technology and open a backdoor to give the Deep State easier access to our phones and computers. Now those calls will get even louder. And of course, that’s just another step down the road to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), something we expect the banksters to make a renewed scramble to pass before a hostile Trump administration might thwart them next year. Then there’s Biden’s foreign policy, which could be catastrophic at any time. The Middle East is a powder keg, and nobody knows what the administration’s policy really is. At the same time, the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate. After two years of failure, Biden has now authorized the use of American weapons to attack Russia – an act of war, without a declaration of Congress. And to pay for all of this, Biden will simply ask his friends at the Federal Reserve to fire up the printing presses so he can dole out billions of fiat dollars wherever he pleases. Anything can
happen in the next six months, and very suddenly. So unless we have the resources to mobilize on a dime when the Biden regime lurches into action, I’m worried things will get out of hand before we have even started to mobilize. That’s why I must ask for your most generous financial support in this dangerous period. I know I’ve asked you to stretch this year. Campaign for Liberty has taken on so many important fights! But the good news is, you’re making a tremendous difference. Over the past few years, you and I have fought back and won some extremely critical battles, including STOPPING statists’ worst attacks on your gun rights, ENDING authoritarian plans for vaccine passports, TERMINATING leftist assaults on the filibuster, THWARTING the worst of Biden’s “Build Back Better” scheme, SHUTTING DOWN the globalists’ WHO Pandemic Treaty, and more. But I must count on you once more. Any fight that happens during the Lame Duck presidency is going to move FAST. . . That means mobilizing Americans is going to be even more expensive since everything is “last minute.” So Patriot, can I count on you to make a $250 contribution to help us prepare for Joe Biden’s Lame Duck Assault? If $250 is just too much, won’t you please agree to $100, $50 or at least $35 to help Campaign for Liberty FIGHT BACK against the Biden administration’s Lame Duck assault? I can promise
you one thing: after nearly 50 years in politics, Biden – and his equally Lame Duck staff – aren’t going to go
quietly. Instead, they’re going to look for any opening to RAM through every one of the schemes you and I have bottled up over the past year . . . to make it his “legacy.” You and I have to prove to them there’s NO CHANCE before it’s too late. So please make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 IMMEDIATELY! For liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The truth is, I’m afraid we’re in for big trouble during the last six months of Joe Biden’s Lame Duck administration. They’re desperate to do anything and everything – with and without Congress – to be able to say Joe Biden has built a “legacy” of left-wing accomplishments. Their targets are the Supreme Court, the Second Amendment, your personal communications, your bank privacy, and much more. That’s why you and I must turn up the heat NOW before it’s too late. So please make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, or at least $35 at once! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). www.CampaignForLiberty.org |