
Dear John,


As many of you know, I’ve long believed that Members of Congress should work for the best interests of their constituents – not Members’ own personal interests. That’s why since I was sworn into Congress in 2019, I’ve been working on proposals to ban Members of Congress from trading stocks.


A whopping 70 percent of Americans, and Members of Congress from both parties agree: it’s time to ban Members of Congress from trading stocks.


And this week, there was finally action. A key Senate committee passed a new bipartisan bill to ban Members from trading stocks, and now it’s headed to the Senate Floor for a vote.


I'm getting the charge started on the House side to bring that bill to the House floor. This week I called on Speaker Johnson and Leader Jeffries to bring bipartisan legislation banning congressional stock trading to the House Floor. There are several basic principles and provisions with broad support from both parties, and now with momentum on the Senate side, I’m leading the charge to make sure the House does our part.


It is extremely disappointing to me that some Members still don’t want to see this commonsense reform passed. It’s our job to restore Americans’ trust in government institutions and ensure Congress is fully invested in their responsibility to improve the lives of their constituents.


I’ll continue to keep you all posted about the progress of this bill, and you better believe I’ll do everything in my power to get a bipartisan congressional stock trading ban passed and signed into law.


Well, the House just wrapped up our final votes for the summer – I'm heading back to Minnesota for the next several weeks to meet with constituents and hear about their needs and priorities. Congress has a lot of work to do when we return in September. And we’ve got critical funding deadlines to meet to keep our country moving. But regardless of the political drama in Washington, you have my word that I will continue to work across the aisle to get results and support my constituents.


Here’s what else I was up to this week:


Getting bipartisan solutions for Minnesota farmers

On Wednesday I joined Center Forward’s bipartisan Agricultural Summit with Republican Minnesota Rep. Brad Finstad to talk about how we can keep working across the aisle in Congress to find solutions that strengthen the farm safety net & give Minnesota family farmers the support they need.




Supporting biofuels production

It was great to meet with the Renewable Fuels Association in my DC office to discuss how we can keep working to bolster biofuels production at home in Minnesota & work toward the all-of-the-above energy approach we need.




Welcoming a familiar face to the House Agriculture Committee

On Tuesday, the House Committee on Agriculture was joined by the Minnesota Corn Growers President Dana Allen-Tully to address how we can keep working together on bipartisan policies that give Minnesota family farmers – like our corn growers in the Second District – the tools and resources they need.




Behind the Scenes with Rep. Craig


One of the most important parts of my job is bringing tax dollars back home to our district and making the federal government more accessible for our communities.


That's why my team hosted a federal grants panel in Burnsville this week. During the event, federal agencies spoke to county and city leaders in the Second District on the federal grants process and how they can access federal funding opportunities.


Shout out to Ally on my team for leading such an informative workshop!




I hope you enjoy your weekend and this gorgeous summer weather!


Until next time,

Angie Craig

Member of Congress


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