From Team Debbie <[email protected]>
Subject these next few weeks are pivotal
Date July 26, 2024 3:36 PM
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Team: Did you know we’re less than a month away from the Florida primary? 

That means these next few weeks are pivotal, and we can't afford to be outspent. But here's what we're up against: Rick Scott announced a brand-new $400K ad buy at the Republican National Convention — and this comes on top of the SIX FIGURES he already spent on running Spanish ads that directly attacked Debbie on the Copa América broadcast. 

Between Rick Scott and his dark-money megadonors, the GOP is already pouring millions into this race. Why? Because they know Florida could decide Senate control and the next Senate majority leader.

The good news, though, is that Debbie is catching up to Rick Scott in the polls. She's only TWO points behind him, which means they're STATISTICALLY TIED. 

Rick Scott has never won an election by more than one point. In fact, he won the last election by only 0.12%. And that's only because he spent $64 MILLION of his OWN MONEY to BUY this seat. 

Look: Debbie is ready to defeat Rick Scott, but she can't do it alone. She needs a SURGE of grassroots donations to keep up with Rick Scott's million-dollar spending. And she's counting on you to help get her there. 

That's why we've set an ambitious $4 million end-of-month goal to reach before her pre-primary FEC fundraising deadline. So please, will you chip in $5, $25, or anything you can spare to help Debbie retire Rick Scott, win in Florida, and keep the Senate blue?

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Thank you, 

Team Debbie


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Paid for by Debbie for Florida.

Debbie for Florida
PO Box 432250
South Miami, FL 33243
United States
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