Hey friend, it’s been a minute since we last touched base. How are you holding up?

I’ve honestly lost track of how long we’ve been social distancing, but one thing is clear: even though it’s painful and isolating, it’s working. In other words, people working together, even apart from one another, are greater than this challenge.

All of our lives and livelihoods are impacted by the outbreak of coronavirus, but even in this time of stagnation, we can’t lose sight of how we can uplift our communities and fight for a fairer future for all of us.

Here are five quick resources to help stay involved:

→ Despite all the chaos caused by coronavirus, the Trump administration and 20 states (that’s right, 20!) are still trying to rip health care -- necessary for preventing the spread of the virus -- away from millions. Learn more about what the health care repeal lawsuit -- which goes before the Supreme Court soon -- could mean for Americans struggling during coronavirus.

→ Have a story about how coronavirus is impacting your life? We want to hear from you -- so speak out and make your voice heard, all it takes is a few minutes.

→ Protect food access for all people and help support restaurant industry workers, small farms, and food pantries by making a donation to WhyHunger’s COVID19 rapid response fund.

→ Despite the pandemic, we’re still having an election in November. Watch this message from Indivisible organizer Jessica Craven about why passing legislation to prevent Americans from having to decide between their health and their right to vote is so imperative, then get involved in the fight for vote-by-mail.

→ Stay updated on how Americans are responding to the pandemic by following Navigator Research’s daily Navigating Coronavirus polling work.

Regardless of how you get involved, we hope you stay safe and take care of yourself. We’re still so glad to have you in community with us -- and PeopleGreater will be back with more soon.

In solidarity --

Emi and the PeopleGreater team