Why 'Moderate' Muslim Ed Husain Cannot Discuss Muslim Jew-Hatred Honestly
by Andrew Bostom • July 26, 2024 at 5:00 am
The most basic unresolved question about Husain's metamorphosis, is why he chose to name his "Muslim anti-Islamist extremism organization"— since disbanded — after William "Abdullah" Quilliam, a lunatic, late 19th century British convert to Islam. Quilliam, a Sharia supremacist, was appointed "Sheikh ul-Islam of the British Isles," sought the re-creation of a global Caliphate, and, in a March 1896 fatwa, supported the jihadist Sudanese Mahdist state against "infidel" British soldiers.
Husain wrote an anti-Zionist diatribe in 2007, punctuated by these immoral equivalences: "Zionism and Islamism are both political perversions of ancient Abrahamic faiths of Judaism and Islam.... Disregard for the sanctity of human life is a hallmark of both Zionism and Islamism... Just as Zionists claim territory based on notions of 'Jewish land' and God-given rights, Islamists wish to reconquer India and Spain as 'Muslim land,' once ruled by Muslim monarchs..."
Husain's presentation at the [July 8-10, 2024, fourth National Conservativism Conference] re-stated his boilerplate apologetics, and taqiyya ("sacralized" Islamic dissimulation). An example from that talk illustrates Husain's approach: silencing informed opposition to his assertions as "Islamophobic."
Husain hectored the audience over their assumed concern that, broadly, "we [Muslims] don't recognize Israel." That viewpoint, Husain insisted, was "giving the Muslim Brotherhood victory over 1.8 billion Muslims." Yet Husain ignored the concrete evidence that validates the audience's presumptive trepidation, which he tarred as "Islamophobia."
Regrettably, Husain, since his much ballyhooed "moderation," espouses dishonest Islamic apologetics that never acknowledge such disturbing data. Simultaneously, he ignores the authoritative Islamic jihad and Jew-hatred that animate these widely prevalent Muslim attitudes.
Husain conveniently ignores all such materials from Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam's most authoritative teaching institution, given how they demolish his weak and deceptive "arguments." Concurrently, he demonizes those who do not accept his strict distinction between Islam and "Islamism" as somehow "threatening civilization." As a result, sadly, "moderate" Muslim Ed Husain is incapable of an honest discussion about the global scourge of Muslim Jew-hatred.

British Muslim Ed Husain is currently a professor at Georgetown University. Previously, he was a member of the Islamic Caliphate revival organization Hizb ut Tahrir. Husain later drifted into various Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups (which included people affiliated with Hamas) and circles within the United Kingdom before allegedly disavowing all of them. Once "de-radicalized," Husain chronicled his experience (in 2007), and subsequently created the ostensibly "anti-Islamist extremism" British organization, The Quilliam Society.