From Thea Lee, Economic Policy Institute <[email protected]>
Subject Trump has created a humanitarian crisis at the border—here is how you can help
Date August 12, 2019 4:01 PM
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Teaser: Stand with EPI to provide desperately needed legal aid to immigrants.

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Conditions in the migrant detention centers at the border are horrific. Families are walking thousands of miles to escape danger and economic chaos. Their goal: applying for humanitarian protections available under U.S. law and giving their children the prospects of a safe childhood with opportunities.

What is the Trump administration’s response? They have separated children from their families and locked them in cages.

It is unthinkable that this happens in the United States, under our name. Stand with EPI today by making a donation to RAICES, which is doing incredible work fighting for families who are seeking safety and opportunity. ([link removed])

Donald Trump has created a humanitarian crisis on the border. His hateful policies, which intentionally target brown and black immigrants, are causing a lifetime of emotional scarring for the families who have been forcibly separated as they enter the U.S. and for those seeking asylum.

The conditions in the detention centers—where immigrants lack basic medical care, food, and water—are inhumane and unacceptable.

RAICES (Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services) and its grassroots efforts to help migrants have been a key driving force in countering the Trump administration, which is treating immigrants in detention centers abysmally but also breaking apart families who are leading productive lives in the United States. Trump’s policies of conducting raids at homes and worksites are also leaving U.S. citizen children without parents. RAICES has grown to be the largest immigration legal services provider in Texas. With 130 attorneys, legal assistants, and support staff, the group offers free legal help to immigrants caught in the chaotic system Trump’s policies have actively fomented.

Join EPI in supporting RAICES to protect children and families being torn apart by the Trump administration. ([link removed])

We have seen a barrage of headlines since Trump took office over the horrific mishandling of immigration. Nearly 1,000 children have been separated from their families at the border since last summer, when the administration’s family separation policy supposedly ended, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). We cannot allow this cruel, illegal treatment of immigrants to continue.

Donate today to RAICES to help immigrants trapped in and targeted by the Trump administration’s cruel policies! ([link removed])

Immigration and citizenship are foundational American principles that have been this country’s promise, however imperfect, since its inception. With the exception of Native Americans, everyone in the United States either migrated from another country or is a descendant of immigrants.

In other words, all our families risked uncertainty and often danger for the promise of a better life in America. The Trump administration, however, has turned that promise on its head and greeted optimistic immigrants with cruel and dehumanizing treatment.

That must end.

Together, we can help children and families who need legal assistance get the help they need. Take a moment today to donate to RAICES to ensure children and their families trying to restart their lives in the United States have access to due process and a fair hearing. ([link removed])

RAICES has also been fighting the administration’s efforts to zero out the number of refugees that resettle in the United States. Refugee resettlement is a crucial aspect of our obligations under U.S. and international law―and EPI is standing with RAICES to ensure the United States continues to play its part. RAICES recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of several asylum seekers who have been deported or are at imminent risk of being returned to the countries from which they fled.

Immigrants make our country—and our economy—stronger. That’s as true today it was when this country was founded. Together, let’s stand with allies like RAICES who are working to ensure immigrants are getting the legal representation and the treatment they deserve.

In solidarity,

Thea Lee
President, Economic Policy Institute
DONATE TO RAICES ([link removed])

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