Dear John,
Last night, President Biden talked about everything he wanted to accomplish during his last 6 months in office.
And “court reform” was at the top of his ill-fated list.
In his speech, he justified his position by saying his actions would “save our democracy.” That couldn’t be further from the truth.
The Biden plan would delegitimize the court, destroy the rule of law and firmly place our nation on the road to becoming a banana republic.
Now, as we prepare to once again defend the Supreme Court from the radical Left’s coup, I think it’s important to look back at the founders’ intentions when they wrote the Constitution and placed our nation on a foundation of freedom.
To help do that, I’d like you to watch this interview with Professor John Yoo, who is the Emanuel Heller Professor of Law at the University of California at Berkeley. He’s also one of our nation’s foremost experts on the Constitution, the separation of powers and the importance of an independent judiciary.

As Professor Yoo explains, the Supreme Court is facing tremendous challenges that could upend the government’s third branch.
We can’t stand by while well-funded extremist groups like Stand Up America and Demand Justice execute their nefarious plans to pack the court with justices that will rubber-stamp the radical Left’s agenda.
And now with a lame duck president that is willing to follow their lead, their message of court reform is even more dangerous.
Without an independent judiciary, all of the precedent-setting victories we’ve won for religious freedom will be in jeopardy.
That’s why it’s up to you and me to fight back against these extremists. Let's say NO to the Supreme Court Coup!
Will you join us on the frontlines in the fight to stop the Supreme Court Coup?
Together we can defend the legitimacy of the court and secure the future of religious freedom for generations to come.
Grateful for you,
Kelly Shackelford, Esq. President, CEO & Chief Counsel First Liberty Institute