Dear Friends,

Most of you know our SAM EVP and FDPS Co-Founder, Luke Niforatos, is from Colorado. But perhaps only some know he actually grew up in Aurora, a suburb of Denver, home to one of the most diverse communities in the Centennial State.

So when Luke found out Philip Morris was coming to town, you can bet he did some digging. What he found should shock all of us: That the Big Tobacco giant was building its first manufacturing plant since 1973 right smack in the middle of this historic city.  

We couldn’t let that stand. Luke quickly wrote an op-ed that placed in Aurora’s top paper, the Aurora Sentinel,condemning the $7+ million in tax incentives granted by city and state, and followed that up with a one hour interview on Colorado’s top morning radio show. But what happened next was shocking.

The editor of the Aurora Sentinel emailed frantically to let him know lawyers from Philip Morris had contacted the paper, demanding they take down his piece.

They refused, and Luke didn’t back down.

As anyone who follows us knows by now, Big Marijuana and Big Tobacco will NEVER silence us.

Whether we’re fighting them to stop their quest to legalize marijuana and addict the next generation to THC, or stopping them from hooking kids on their latest nicotine pouch inventions, one thing they’ll never say about SAM & FDPS is that we shy away from a fight.

JOIN US in the fight of this generation against Big Tobacco.
DONATE NOW so we can continue to hold this industry to account.

Please email John Spurlock, Chief Development Officer, at [email protected] for further questions or assistance.

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Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is an alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to a health-first approach to marijuana policy. We are professionals working in mental health and public health. We are bipartisan. We are medical doctors, lawmakers, treatment providers, preventionists, teachers, law enforcement officers and others who seek a middle road between incarceration and legalization. Our commonsense, third-way approach to marijuana policy is based on reputable science and sound principles of public health and safety.