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Good Response to Bad Bureaucracy
July 25, 2024
Last month, the Supreme Court handed down one of the most notable rulings in our lifetime. The 6-3 decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo overturned the 1984 decision in the Chevron v. National Res. Def. Council case that created the power for agencies to interpret unclear laws however they wish. Calling the Chevron decision “fundamentally misguided,” the Court has stripped unelected bureaucrats the responsibility of interpreting laws. This will greatly rein in the administrative state going forward but creates a challenge when addressing what has already been implemented.
The Biden administration has long wielded the powers of the bureaucracy to advance a liberal agenda. These policies, which usually slide in under the radar, are putting a tight squeeze on the average household budget. The Competitive Enterprise Institute found that families are spending on average over $14,500 per year on regulatory costs in addition to their federal tax burden. The costs are hidden in standard purchases such as food, clothing, appliances, or car purchases. When the government is overregulating these industries, the burden will be placed on consumers in the former of higher prices.
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