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Restarting recycling
From Monday April 27, we are reintroducing recycling rounds.
For most households, this will mean going back to the same three weekly cycle of grey/blue/brown bin collections they received before we had to put temporary changes in place due to the crisis.
However, there is one difference for the time being.
We are now going to collect your green bin (garden and food waste) or your food caddy every three weeks, on the same day as your brown bin.
By doing this we will be able to ensure that garden and food waste will be collected regularly over the summer. Food waste can be put in either your grey bin, or green bin or food caddy.
For more information go here. ([link removed][UNIQID])
Turning Oldham civic blue for ‘clap for our carers’
Oldham Civic will be lit blue again tonight from 8pm, as we clap for our carers and key workers. It will be lit all evening. We think it’s a fitting way to acknowledge carers, nurses, doctors and key workers and all they are doing right now. Thank you to MSL Limited, and Aaron Smith for making this happen. ([link removed][UNIQID])
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Oldham Council . Civic Centre . West Street . Oldham, OL1 1UT . United Kingdom