We officially launched Stop the Money Pipeline today


Are y'all online with us? Because we are LIVE! Join us right now for a full day of conversations led by the Stop the Money Pipeline coalition. And if you haven't already, check out our email below outlining our three key targets in the financial sector to stop enabling the climate crisis. 

See you soon! 

Dear John,

Today is the second day of Earth Day Live - and we are going BIG. Yesterday, more than 650,000 people joined us online for a powerful day of online climate justice activism. Now, for day two of Earth Day Live, we are ready for a full day of online action to hold the financial sector accountable for its role in the climate crisis - join us here! Today’s online action is being led by the Stop the Money Pipeline coalition, a coalition of over 100 organizations demanding that the financial sector stop enabling climate catastrophe.

Stop the Money Pipeline has identified three key targets: 

  1. JPMorgan Chase, the world’s largest funder of the fossil fuel industry. 
  2. BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. BlackRock is also the world’s largest shareholder and biggest investor in fossil fuels and deforestation.
  3. Liberty Mutual, one of the country’s largest insurance companies and enabler of the fossil fuel industry. Without insurance, new fossil fuel projects can not be built. An example that hits too close to home is Liberty Mutual’s and their relationship to Keystone XL. The company provides essential insurance for the Keystone XL pipeline - a massive fossil fuel project that would lock-in unsustainable amounts of climate pollution and violate a number of First Nations’ right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent. Without insurance, that project cannot move forward.

On Monday, I published an article published in Rolling Stone with Rainforest Action Network’s Elana Sulakshana in which we laid out the case against the insurance industry that leverages our dollars against us. And they do it with impunity.

This cannot continue. It’s time for us to hold these enablers accountable as they use our dollars to lobby the halls of power. Join and help us grow to over a million participants by tuning into Earth Day LIVE: Stop the Pipeline right now. 

In solidarity,


P.S. Sign on to the petition telling Liberty Mutual to stop insuring tar sands pipelines to help us get over 100,000 signatures!

350.org is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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