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Understanding the historical method of analysis behind Diane Sare's July 1st warning of a possible threat to former President Donald Trump published in The New Federalist newspaper is critical to thwarting any such future attempts. We include here a paragraph from that article:

[Sare] said that Trump’s rejection of the British imperial agenda, as when he pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord, and now his publicly stated view that it was NATO and the West which provoked Russia’s actions in Ukraine, stating truthfully that Ukraine “is not winning this war” and that he could “end the war in a day,” has provoked hysteria among the global elites who are depending on these policies of war and depopulation to keep their system together. In addition, Trump has repeatedly said that he questions the purpose and need for the NATO alliance, and has hinted that he would be willing to pull U.S. support from NATO. Most importantly, he has said that he sees no reason why he cannot sit down with both President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China, "both who know me and respect me," to work out problems and "deals." That he might do that terrifies sections of the global elite.

Unlike most political  pundits of today, Diane, as well as other serious students of Lyndon LaRouche, understand the power of the United Sates presidency to change world history. Join us Friday evening as we delve into the history of the British Empire's attacks on this American institution which has played such an important role in shaping the modern world.

New York Symposium, July 26, 2024, 8:00 PM

'Why the Britsh Kill American Presidents' : The Power of the Presidency:


--Bob Wesser

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