I don’t often get to say this, but I have GOOD news to report from the King County Courthouse. That’s right, despite the slew of bad legislation that so often comes out of the King County Council undermining public safety, I am thrilled to get to report to you on a fantastic development.
King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn


I don’t often get to say this, but I have GOOD news to report from the King County Courthouse.  That’s right, despite the slew of bad legislation that so often comes out of the King County Council undermining public safety, I am thrilled to get to report to you on a fantastic development.

Yesterday, my legislation to keep the Juvenile Detention Center open—a direct afront to activist attempts to close the jail and end secure detention in King County for even the most dangerous offenders—was passed unanimously by the Law and Justice Committee!

However, we are not past the finish line yet. As you may know, radical Seattle politicians and activists have been attempting to close King County’s only youth detention center and place violent criminals in unsecured respite homes in neighborhoods across our community.  Their extreme and dangerous plan would put murderers, rapists, and violent offenders back on the streets with no coherent plan to keep victims safe or stop criminals from re-offending.

Will you stand with me to send a message to the King County Council that our community does not support violent criminals being let off the hook?

Sadly, this misguided attempt to help violent offenders avoid consequences is occurring at the same time violent juvenile crime is skyrocketing. Last year, youth violent felony filings were up 57% from 2022 and 146% from 2021. Even more telling, of the 46 crimes that recently landed youth in detention in this facility, over 71% were violent!

If you support my legislation to ensure violent criminals not get a free pass, you can show your support by donating HERE.

Friends, I can feel the tide turning. Seattle politicians are realizing that their attempts to disparage and defund law enforcement, while looking the other way and letting violent criminals roam free, has backfired with devastating consequences for our region.

But we must not let up. I need your help to keep the momentum up and ensure that the full King County Council passes my legislation to keep our communities safe! Will you donate $15, $35, or $75 to my campaign to help me continue this fight?

I cannot thank you enough for your support. Together, on the heels of this fantastic news, we can ensure a safe future for our children!

Reagan Dunn