Yesterday, I sent out a survey asking if you agree with Gov. Kemp’s decision to prematurely open certain businesses starting tomorrow. Hundreds of you took our poll, and the overwhelming majority indicated they do not support the Governor’s decision.


Yesterday, I sent out a survey asking if you agree with Gov. Kemp’s decision to prematurely open certain businesses starting tomorrow.

More than a thousand people took our poll, and the overwhelming majority indicated they do not support the Governor’s decision.

Like so many Georgians, I’m alarmed that the Governor’s order will needlessly risk the lives of our family members before the crisis is under control. That’s why I publicly called on Gov. Kemp to reconsider his reckless decision. Unfortunately – but not surprisingly – we have yet to hear my Republican opponent, Kelly Loeffler, speak out against the Governor’s decision. Not even after Trump denounced Gov. Kemp’s decision.

What concerns me most about Gov. Kemp’s order is that the businesses he has deemed safe to reopen seem like some of the most unsafe choices he could have made: gyms, barbershops, bowling alleys, and nail salons. I can’t help but wonder what his decision-making process was based upon, because it wasn’t based on public health.

This pandemic has shown us how important good leadership is. And I hope in November we are successful in electing a new wave of leaders up and down the ballot -- leaders who trust science, who speak truth to power, and who always prioritize the health and safety of every Georgian.

Thank you and stay well,



Matt Lieberman
Matt Lieberman is running for the U.S. Senate to change a broken Washington and get things done for the people of Georgia. Chip in now to help us win in Georgia, flip the Senate, and build a better future for our families.

Matt Lieberman for Senate
800 Battery Ave SE, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30339
United States