Dear Friends, Each election year, NRCAT partners with Faiths United to Save Democracy (FUSD) to help recruit Poll Chaplains/Peacekeepers. This nonpartisan, multifaith and intergenerational effort will play a critical role in ensuring that the November 5th election is fairly conducted and adjudicated. At a time when political rhetoric is encouraging disruption or violence, and when anti-voting laws and procedures are suppressing the vote in so many states, faith leaders have a unique responsibility this election year. Poll Chaplains/Peacekeepers serve as a moral presence at polling locations – providing voter support through access to a dedicated voting rights hotline and helping to de-escalate conflict should it arise. While all are welcome to attend a Poll Chaplains training, please note that polling assignments, ID badges and ground supports will only be provided for FUSD Poll Chaplains & Peacekeepers (clergy and lay person designations) in the 10 priority states of the campaign – AL, AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, OH, PA, TX, WI. You can sign up for a training at, and volunteers from the 10 priority states will be assigned to a polling place. Upcoming trainings are at 7pm ET on Aug 12 & 26 and Sept 9, 16, & 30. If you live outside one of the ten FUSD priority states and cities, you can sign up to travel to serve in a FUSD priority state and city. If you prefer serving outside a priority state or city, FUSD cannot assign you to a polling location, nor provide the certification letter and badge. However, there is a 1-866-687-8683 number available for all 50 states and you may report issues that you encounter in all 50 states. The FUSD Toolkit has information about all 50 states that is available for anyone to use. On a personal note, I will be visiting family on election day (which is also my birthday this year) in my home state of Montana. Montana is not a priority state for FUSD, but there is a contentious U.S. Senate race, so I will still sign up for a training and will have the 50-state 1-866-OURVOTE Election Protection Hotline handy when I visit the local polling places. Poll Chaplains and Peacekeepers can be ordained clergy or lay/faith community leaders. Sign up for a training today. If you need more information or have a question, you can send me an email at [email protected]. Thanks! Ron Stief Executive Director |