John, I will never forget how it felt on the night of January 5, 2021.

That cold winter Tuesday, Georgians turned out by the thousands — by the millions — and did what was previously unthinkable:

They unseated two Republican incumbents and elected Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, swinging the Senate to a Democratic majority.

They did it because of the chaos that the last four years of Donald Trump’s presidency had wrought:

An out of control pandemic.

Skyrocketing inflation and unemployment.

The brutal, often violent repression of protesters exercising their First Amendment rights in the largest mass mobilization for justice in American history.

We cannot go through that again.

But Trump and his Republican allies have gained staggering momentum since the Republican National Convention last week. We can’t let up for one moment if we are going to turn the tide and win this election.

John please, can you commit to making a $5 monthly recurring donation to my campaign starting today? There are barely three months left until Election Day.


Unlike many of my colleagues across the aisle, I do not take campaign donations from corporate lobbyists or executives in Big Pharma or the fossil fuel industry. So I mean it when I say that any monthly amount you are able to pitch in will go an incredibly long way.

Thanks for giving and helping to win this election if you’re able. We’re all in this together.

With love and gratitude,
