We need your expertise and your support!
Over the past 9 years A Voice for Choice Advocacy has grown into a significant voice of medical freedom and health rights for all ages in California. While our small but mighty team does amazing work, as we look to the future, AVFCA looks to grow that team to achieve our lofty goals to educate, advocate and empower people to know their health rights.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy needs your help in two ways so we can work even harder for you in California:
1) Grow our Team - Help find the amazing people to fill these roles and
2) Support our Team - Donate to ensure we can sustain our growing organization
Details below:
1) Grow our Team: A Voice for Choice Advocacy (501c4) and A Voice for Choice (501c3) are looking to build a culture that is non-judgmental, intellectually rigorous, values-driven that thinks outside the box. Ideal candidates will be curious, care deeply about informed choice and health rights, and be highly motivated to drive large-scale change.
- Legislative Assistant (~20 hours a week, less than 1 hour from Sacramento) – AVFCA is seeking an enthusiastic, fast learner who is interested A Voice for Choice Advocacy's lobbying efforts in Sacramento. The Legislative Assistant would provide administrative support to our Lobbying team and be present in Sacramento, on behalf of AVFCA, for legislative meetings and committee hearings, up to once a week. They would have a working knowledge of Word/Google Docs and Excel/Google Sheets and be able to work independently, but also be willing to ask questions. No prior lobbying or grassroots activism is necessary, but would be a plus. If this sounds like a position you would be interested in, please send an email to [email protected] with 1) your resume, and 2) a short video of why you feel you would be right for this position and a little about yourself and your passion for medical freedom and 3) your requested hourly pay rate.
- Grant Writer (Grant by grant basis, with the aim of full time as grants are successful, location flexible within US) – A Voice for Choice Advocacy would like to identify and apply for a number of grants to better fund specific projects and therefore is looking for a successful grant writer. If you are a grant writer, who has been awarded grants based on your applications, and have a passion for medical freedom in CA, please send an email to [email protected] with 1) your resume, and 2) a summary of the grants you have written or helped write and their outcome and 3) your requested hourly or per application pay rate.
- Blog Writers (an article every 1-2 months) - AVFC is looking for writers to join our team to write an article that falls within our mission statement. Topics will be determined based on your interests and in conjunction with our Managing Editor. You can check out articles written by our team on our blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/blog. If you are an experienced writer and researcher and are passionate about ensuring health rights in California, please send an email to [email protected] with 1) a writing sample on any health rights issue, and 2) a short description of how you came to be passionate about health rights and medical freedom. Writers will be paid on a per article basis.
All positions are contracted positions. Our application process is open and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. However, priority will be given to applications submitted on or before Friday, August 9, 2023.
If you, a friend, or colleague is interested in applying your skills to support the movement for health rights, we encourage you to apply and share with others!
2) Support our Team: Over the last 9 years A Voice for Choice Advocacy, and our sister organization, A Voice for Choice, have been sustained only by grassroots donations. We are so thankful to everyone who has generously donated. We need your help to make our efforts sustainable. In order to be able to hire amazing people, and if you appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing and want to ensure our efforts grow, please donate as generously as you can:

For those not wanting to give through PayPal (we are looking to use another vendor in the near future), you can send a check, use Venmo or use Zelle:
Send Check to: A Voice for Choice Advocacy, 530 Showers Drive #7404, Mountain View CA 94040
Send Venmo to: @avoiceforchoice (Note: you have to search under "Business" to find us)
Send Zelle to: [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your generosity. Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
