From Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC <>
Subject The Essential Role of Engagement in Achieving Justice and Representation
Date July 25, 2024 2:00 PM
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Creating lasting change requires a collective effort from everyone.

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The Essential Role of Engagement in Achieving Justice and Representation
Dear John,

An ongoing debate exists among American Muslims and their representative institutions regarding the ethical boundaries and political consequences of engaging with government at local, state, and federal levels. Many argue that due to the political consequences, Muslims cannot afford to sit on the sidelines of formal politics. Conversely, others are skeptical about achieving positive outcomes in such a climate.

Throughout American history, various tools— including resistance, advocacy, engagement, and boycott— have been used in the struggle for justice. Creating lasting change requires several of these tactics, as well as collective effort from everyone.

As an American Muslim organization, MPAC supports a robust approach to safeguarding all civil liberties. Our nation cannot be truly secure when the civil liberties of any community are curtailed, and a holistic approach to removing unjust policies for all is incumbent upon us.

At MPAC, our engagement is a form of resistance. We seek to enact change in accordance with our principles of engagement and achieve long-lasting progress on our policy priorities:
* Thought Leadership: We produce substantive policy analysis that impacts public discourse and shapes conversations rather than merely reacting.
* Advocacy: We actively expand our relationships with lawmakers, federal agencies, and local governments to advance our policy agenda and oppose actions negatively impacting our communities.
* Leadership Development: We empower American Muslims to engage effectively in policy, from nurturing young leaders interested in public service to helping established professionals leverage their expertise for the greater good.
* Coalition Building: We establish productive partnerships with communities and organizations that share our goals and face similar challenges, amplifying the efforts of allies promoting justice, freedom, and equality for all.

MPAC calls on governmental agencies to enact policies reinforcing and advancing these liberties and protections that address the rise in hate crimes, ending discriminatory actions, preserving the first amendment (especially as it pertains to students), stopping the criminalization of marginalized communities, and reforming our criminal justice system. Through our engagement with various government institutions, including law enforcement, MPAC seeks to end police abuse, seek justice, and bring perpetrators to court. No community can safely exist while disengaging from a strong institution such as law enforcement, which we call upon to protect our schools, mosques, and communities when needed.

Here are some key ways we have made an impact through engagement:

MPAC successfully lobbied the Bush administration and the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division to amend the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Sanctions List Search. This effort led to the creation and launch of the Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which resulted in the removal of a significant number of innocent individuals from the OFAC database.

MPAC created our flagship Congressional Leadership Development Program to address the need for Muslim youth presence and voices in the legislative sphere. We have recruited hundreds of students who have tremendous potential to affect policy– many have begun careers in public service as a result of this program. Our aim is to reach a level of representation and inclusion that reflects the American Muslim population in America, which will lead to better understanding, respect, and better policies that impact our communities.

Our Hollywood Bureau is committed to reshaping the narrative of Islam and Muslims in entertainment, enhancing their role in social and cultural change. Our engagement has increased accurate and diverse portrayals in TV and film, combating Islamophobia and promoting inclusivity.

We empower Muslim artists to share their stories and perspectives, contributing to a more representative media landscape. As a result of our entertainment industry engagement, our strong industry relationships help us prevent problematic content and negative stereotypes, enabling Muslims to shape their own narratives and foster a more inclusive society.

Informed by our core values, MPAC’s approach to engagement reflects the principles embedded in our faith. Our model draws deeply from the teachings of the Quran and the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. His examples offer profound guidance on effective and compassionate leadership. The Prophet Muhammad engaged with all individuals, regardless of agreement or disagreement, exemplifying active listening, empathy, and inclusivity. His approach ensured that diverse voices were respected and heard. By prioritizing dialogue and understanding, he addressed conflicts with wisdom and patience, leading to lasting solutions.
“But [since] good and evil cannot be equal, repel thou [evil] with something that is better and lo! he between whom and thyself was enmity [may then become] as though he had [always] been close [unto thee], a true friend!”
— Quran 41:34
The Prophet’s life exemplified this message, and his legacy highlights the critical role of compassionate engagement and collaboration in achieving meaningful and lasting change.

MPAC believes that American Muslims must engage in ongoing, meaningful dialogue with all key institutions in America. Disengagement leaves an empty seat at the table, which will be occupied by those seeking to marginalize and misrepresent Muslims. MPAC is committed to eliminating injustice and disenfranchisement from within the system. Through our engagement we aim to advance justice in America and reform policies to benefit not just American Muslims, but all Americans.

In service,

Salam Al-Marayati
MPAC President
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Founded in 1988, the ** Muslim Public Affairs Council ([link removed])
improves public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media, and communities.

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