Hi John
We're busy gearing up for Precious Life's Pro-Life Summer Roadshow 2024 as we plan out the various towns across Northern Ireland where we'll bring the pro-life message directly to people on the streets. Our Roadshow gives us the opportunity to take our Information Table, pro-life petition and leaflets to the towns we don't get to often during the year, and also to the seaside resorts that are always thronged with people in the summer.
The aim of our Annual Roadshow is to educate the public on the humanity of the unborn child and expose the true horror of abortion. The year's Roadshow is again focusing on our âREPEAL SECTION 9 Campaignâ - giving people the opportunity to sign our petition to overturn that unjust abortion law forced on us from Westminster. But most importantly, we will be changing hearts and minds of ordinary people on why unborn babies and their mothers must be protected from abortion.

If you'd like to join us on the Roadshow, give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]
And even with our busy plans for the Roadshow, we will still be out this Saturday (27th) for our Street Outreach, and outside the abortion centres with our Prayer Vigils this coming week. Contact us on the number or email above if you'd like to help us be a voice for the unborn child.
If you need some inspiration to join us on the Roadshow, Street Outreach or Prayer Vigils, check out the video below to hear the highlights of Bernadette Smyth's powerful keynote speech at the Rally for Life on why we must " DO SOMETHING!" to protect the lives of our unborn babies.
The Precious Life Communications Team