Sign up today to secure your spot at GOALS!
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Gun Owners of America

Nick Freitas, Jon Patton, and Chris Salcedo to Address GOA Members!

Dear John,

The list of fantastic speakers just never ends!

Joining us in Knoxville, TN next month are Nick Freitas, Jon Patton, and Chris Salcedo—three incredible speakers who are set to take the main stage on August 17th and 18th.

Hopefully you already have plans to make it to our Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit (or GOALS) which is sponsored by Brownells. This is THE can't miss event of the year, so make sure you and the entire family are set to attend this August!

Nick Freitas is the host of Making the Argument, his podcast where he addresses hot political and cultural issues with his unique brand of Insight stemming from his experience as a current Virginia State Delegate and former US Army Green Beret.

In addition to this, Nick runs multiple video series including Be a Man, where he encourages young men to be responsible leaders of their household. And he hosts The Why Minutes, where he explores the underlying reasons, motivations, and philosophies that inform decisions, promote greater understanding, and advance a society dedicated to preserving and advancing freedom.

Chris Salcedo is a veteran broadcaster, author, and a political analyst based out of Houston, Texas. Chris is the host of the Chris Salcedo Show on Newsmax TV as well as broadcasting three separate radio shows throughout the week, somehow still making it home in time to have dinner with his wife and three daughters.

Jon Patton is the founder of The Gun Collective, which prides itself as the “home for firearms news, gun reviews, and the best gun content around.” Besides addressing GOA members at the convention, Jon will be leading two important firearms panels:

  • GOA's 2A Action Alliance panel brings together some of the top advocates for the Second Amendment—from Jared of Guns & Gadgets to Mrgunsngear and more—to discuss efforts to combat gun control in Congress. 
  • GOA's 2A For All panel brings together 2A advocates from all walks of life to discuss the best strategies for welcoming new gun owners into the folds of the Second Amendment community—and to combat the radical narratives portrayed by big tech and mainstream media outlets.

GOA is proud to host these three defenders of American values and the right to keep and bear arms, and we hope to see every one of you at GOALS (Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit) so you can see and hear from them as well!

Make sure you are registered for GOALS so you can join us this August 17th and 18th in Knoxville, Tennessee. You don’t want to miss Nick, Mayor Jacobs, and Chris, as well as all our other amazing guests and 2A companies!

And don’t forget that you can extend your stay in Tennessee for an amazing family vacation! Whether you choose to visit a nearby amusement park, go hiking, fishing, or sightseeing, there's plenty of things for everyone to enjoy in the surrounding area.

Finally, make sure to secure your special room rate at hotels within walking distance of the convention center to make the whole weekend easy and stress free.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President

P.S. Come in early on August 16th and watch Johnny B’s Spice Friday Live from GOALS at the Knoxville Amphitheater.

P.P.S. If you have not reserved your hotel, click here for GOA’s special room rates.

Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit
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Gun Owners of America · 8001 Forbes Pl., Ste. 202, Springfield, VA 22151, United States
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