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Editor's Note:

It has already been noted that the Democrat Party's new presidential candidate is left of even Bernie Sanders, but she is dangerous in actions as well as ideologies. As David Harsanyi reminds us, Kamala Harris' political career and rhetoric show that she will viciously go after anyone she has decided to target. Her views are extreme, and her actions demonstrate those extremes. Democrats and all Americans need to be fully aware of her history of spitefulness, incompetence and an unbridled devotion to the most far-left of philosophies. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
By The Way, Kamala Harris Is A Dangerous Authoritarian
July 24, 2024

With some hard work, pluck, the right boyfriend, and a bit of genetic luck, Kamala Harris has found her way onto the presidential ballot without having to secure a single primary vote. Don’t tell me the American Dream is dead.

Sure, Harris is a demagogue who speaks in cringy, swirling, impenetrable platitudes. And sure, according to Joe Biden, Kamala was an identity hire. But “Morning Joe” says we’re not supposed to talk about any of that. So, let’s discuss her record and stated positions.

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