Dear John,
As of this writing, and under evident duress, President Biden has withdrawn from his party’s nomination for a second term. He immediately endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, along with a handful of the usual suspects. It’s been a tidy little coup so far.
Indeed, as our Center for the American Way of Life Washington Fellow Carson Holloway argued recently in a must-read piece at The American Mind, the “Democrats flunk Democracy.” And we have known about these bad grades for a while. For decades.
So, in anticipation of looming assaults on our American way of life by the left, three Claremont fellows got together and structured an intensive “war game” to prepare for what may come to pass—and guard against the worst of it. For those unfamiliar with the term, “war games” are theoretical exercises conducted in real time, with real experts (60, in this case), to map-out unknown scenarios and prepare for the worst. Corporations use them, so does our military and the public sector.
The Claremont fellows (Adam Ellwanger, Lincoln/2023; Mike Howell, Lincoln/2023; Chuck DeVore, Lincoln/2004) termed it the 2024 Transition Integrity Project. (Yours truly may or may not have played the role of the RNC for one of the simulations during these exercises.)
The results, as you will discover, were sobering. And the events of the past two weeks reaffirm the wisdom of what Adam, Mike, and Chuck anticipated.
I am proud of our fellows, and increasingly confident that no matter what the left throws at us, we are ready.