Shonda Rimes. Jamie Lee Curtis. George Clooney. Cardi B. Disney. The Hollywood Mafia has made its choice – rally behind Kamala Harris, America’s most liberal politician.

REUTERS: Hollywood donors drop 'Dembargo' as celebrities back Harris


Shonda Rimes. Jamie Lee Curtis. George Clooney. Cardi B. Disney.

The Hollywood Mafia has made its choice – rally behind Kamala Harris, America’s most liberal politician.

The Hollywood Mafia already forced out Joe Biden, nullifying the votes of millions of Americans, and now they’re going to raise millions to force Kamala Harris onto our voters.

Their top target is right here in Georgia. Don’t let the Hollywood Mafia get away with interfering in our elections. Help us fight back by donating today!


George Clooney and Shonda Rimes think they know better than our voters and want to force their extreme ideology onto our voters. They’ll do whatever it takes to stay in power, even if it means forcing out their own President to continue their destructive policies on the American people.

Stop the Hollywood Mafia and donate NOW >>>

For America,
Burt Jones
Lieutenant Governor

Paid for by
WBJ Leadership Committee, Inc.
