If you and I do not act now, you and your family will now be forced to watch the cheering of men pretending to be women, while the organized media machine tells young people how healthy it all is ... Or not watch the Olympics at all. Despite the permissive policy of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), some sports associations have begun to see the light and are taking steps in the right direction by banning “transgender” men from competing in women's categories. The World Boxing Council, for example, has thankfully come down on the side of women and prohibited biological males from stepping into the ring to raise their fists against women. But the weak-kneed IOC is pushing the “inclusive” narrative fed to them by the Left-leaning media and global elites. They hate your values, your faith, and your commitment to truth and fairness. They also hate the rights women have secured after decades of advocacy, rights to ensure fair play in sports. The opening games are only 48 hours away. We must gather as many signatures as possible and demand the IOC reverse course before it is too late. If we don’t act now, all the progress that has been made in giving young girls a future in sports will be eradicated by those enabling biological men to sweep in and dominate these events.
Can you sign and share our petition to fight back?
Thanks so much, Caroline Farrow and the entire CitizenGO Team -- Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is running scared and refuses to defend women’s sports from being overrun by “transgender” athletes. Your voice is crucial to this fight. We have less than 7 days to stop this, now is the time for YOU to demand the IOC protect women in sports from unfair competition and increased risk of severe injury. Please take just 30 seconds to sign the petition and help end this madness. Sign the petition today! |
Dear John,
I know you’re interested in stopping the transgender insanity that’s hurting our society and threatening our youth. That’s why I’m reaching out today—this madness is about to be broadcast worldwide at the upcoming July Olympics in Paris. Here’s the thing: women’s sports are constantly under attack, with men increasingly flooding the field, claiming to be women in competitions around the world. But now, female athletics at the July Olympics are at greater risk than ever due to a new policy from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The Committee did not just leave the door open for “transgender” athletes to sweep the field of women’s sports, they rolled out a red carpet and ran off to cower in a corner. The global elites pushing gender ideology inside the IOC will force you, your family, and the entire world to watch the cheering of men pretending to be women, while the organized media machine tells young people how healthy it all is … Or not watch the Olympics at all. I think you’ll agree that the transgender craze is burying the dreams of countless girls, teenagers, and young athletes who are forced to compete against men who claim to be women within sports regulations that are blind to the catastrophic effects of endorsing this irrationality. If you don't want this madness to prevail, you and I have a chance to stop it in just a few days: we have the global stage of the Paris Olympics to our advantage, which will amplify our voices and multiply the impact. This betrayal of women must stop now!
Sign your petition demanding the IOC take responsibility to ensure fair competition and BAN “transgender” males from competing in women’s sports events in the upcoming July Olympics in Paris.
If hundreds of thousands of citizens like you and me raise our voices against the ideological perversion of women's sports, our daughters and granddaughters—the women who work tirelessly and with discipline to reach the pinnacle of sports—will not see their dreams shattered. It is not too late to stop this insanity. Above all else, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) values the "respect" of the world (and the hundreds of millions of Euros/dollars in TV and merchandise revenue it receives). A popular uprising against Transgender insanity threatens the Committee's reputation ... and its money. So make your voice heard! The inclusion of “transgender” participants in women’s sports is not just unfair, it can be extremely dangerous to the women participating. Here are some recent examples of the harm these policies cause: - In the UK, the Rugby Football Union was forced to admit that the inclusion of transgender men in the sport posed significant safety risks, with biological women experiencing increased injury rates, including serious concussions and fractures, when competing against “transgender” players.
- Tiffany Abreu (born Rodrigo Pereira de Abreu) began claiming to be female and joined a women’s Brazilian volleyball team, and is reveling in smashing records and dominating games thanks to the physical advantages of a biologically male body.
- Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood turned girls’ high school track in the US into a farce, consistently and overwhelmingly defeating biological girls and robbing them of titles, scholarships, and dreams.
- Most tragically, when the women and girls thrown under the bus for “transgender” inclusion complain, they are ostracized, losing scholarships, placement on their team, and sometimes even facing violence for their stance.
- American swimmer Riley Gaines, an outspoken defender of women’s sports, was forced to desperately hide in a barricaded room for hours on a college campus while a mob outside chanted for her blood.
These stories demonstrate how a corrosive ideology, alien to biology and the most basic common sense, can shatter the dreams of women who have given their all to sports. I intend to use the international platform provided by the Olympics to speak out against it. And I hope you will do the same now.
Act now! Sign your petition demanding the IOC take responsibility and protect ALL women in Olympic sports from the abuse of “transgender” athletes.
The policy from the IOC simultaneously calls for fairness AND politically correct inclusion and then abdicates the responsibility to decide whether or not biological men can bully their way into women’s events, instead leaving that decision to each sport’s association. Recently, some sports associations have begun to see the light and are taking steps in the right direction by banning “transgender” men from competing in women's categories. The World Boxing Council, for example, has thankfully come down on the side of women and prohibited biological males from stepping into the ring to raise their fists against women. But the normalization of transgender insanity is being pushed by the weak-kneed IOC, the Left-leaning media, and global elites. They hate your values, your faith ... even while they crave your money. Will you take a stand and tell them to back off and stand for real women? The IOC must take decisive action to implement a universal ban across all sports to protect women athletes. The responsibility to protect the integrity of women’s sports at the Olympics lies squarely with the IOC, not individual sports federations. And with the July Olympics in Paris around the corner, time is running out to make an impact!
I’m relying on you to be one of the first to get involved in this campaign, starting with: - Online Petitions: We are launching a massive online petition campaign to gather hundreds of thousands of signatures (hopefully one million or more!) from concerned citizens worldwide. Your signature is your voice, and together, our voices are unstoppable. After you sign your petition, PLEASE take a moment to invite concerned friends and family to sign.
- Social Media Blitz: Join our social media campaign to spread the word far and wide. Share our petition and message on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms. Use hashtags like #FairPlayForWomen, #ProtectWomensSports, and #IOCActNow to amplify our cause.
- Targeted Advocacy: We are directly reaching out to key decision-makers within the IOC, presenting them with your overwhelming support for our cause. We are demanding that they take immediate and decisive action to ensure fair competition for female athletes.
- Standing together in a united front: We will not be silenced. By standing together, we show the IOC that we will not back down until they take action. Every signature, every share, and every voice counts in this fight for fairness.
With the July Olympics fast approaching, time is of the essence. We must gather as many signatures as possible within the next few weeks to present a compelling case to the IOC before the games begin.
Please fight today for women’s sports by signing your petition to the IOC demanding they take responsibility and ban “transgender” athletes from overrunning women’s sports. Thanks for all you do. Sincerely, Caroline Farrow and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is running scared and refuses to defend women’s sports from being overrun by “transgender” males. With the July Olympics in Paris right around the corner, now is the time for YOU to demand the IOC protect women in sports from unfair competition and increased risk of severe injury. Please sign your petition and go on to share the petition with your friends and family -- our website makes it easy and convenient to get everyone involved.