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No one deserves summer vacation more than teachers, so it’s especially impressive when they give up their precious time off to go back to the classroom. I recently had the opportunity to spend time with a group of these tireless educators at the Mississippi River Delta Institute (MRDI), which brings together classroom teachers and other educators from both ends of the river to learn new ways to educate their students on our delta.

MRDI felt like summer camp for adults, and I learned so much from the activities we modeled, the boat trips we took around St. Bernard Parish, and the free digital classroom tools we explored. I saw the complex mechanisms of coastal ecology and restoration explained in simpler, more engaging ways, and I’m excited to apply this new perspective to our outreach and education efforts here at Restore the Mississippi River Delta (MRD)

We’ll be featuring lots of educational opportunities in the newsletter below for both kids and grownups, as well as highlighting some of the work we’ve been doing. I hope you’ll be inspired like I was and dive into learning about and connecting with the science of our coast.  

Have fun out there! 

Jordan Phillips
Outreach Coordinator
Restore the Mississippi River Delta

(PS – have a group that’s interested in learning more about coastal land loss and restoration in Louisiana? Email me to request a Coastal 101 presentation from a member of our Outreach team!)  

The Mid Barataria Sediment Diversion groundbreaking August 2023

Current Events Corner

Much like the weather lately, coastal news continues to heat up, with the stop work order on the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion lifting and discussions about the coastal trust fund continuing. You can read our statement on MBSD here and our press release concerning decreased coastal funding here

new report by Dr. Loren C. Scott & Associates, Inc. details the regional economic impacts of building the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (MBSD). The updated report, “The Economic Impact of Constructing the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Project” showcases how local and regional businesses, governments and residents will benefit economically during the next five-year period when the MBSD is being built. You can read the full report here.

Two reports have recently been released from work we did with our friends at the University of Louisiana Lafayette's Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center. The first was on the People in the Plan workshop, where coastal experts gathered to discuss ways to include communities more deeply in the Coastal Master Plan process. We also helped fund research on the economic benefits to Louisiana of timely investment in coastal restoration. You can read the full People in the Plan report here and the policy brief Timely Action, Sustainable Benefits here

Want to get involved in our work? Add your name in support of our state's coastal program here, or email [email protected] to learn about more ways you can take action to protect and restore Louisiana's coast. 

Upcoming Educational Opportunities:

1) Dive Into Discovery!

Got kiddos who are getting restless at home this summer? Take them to the Lighthouse! Pontchartrain Conservancy is hosting its first Dive into Discovery remotely operated vehicle (ROV) expo July 25-28. This event includes six activities for all ages each day, and there's one additional activity each day for kids in grades 6-12. Register for the additional activities here.

2) Coastal Leadership Institute 

Applications are now open for Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana’s brand-new Coastal Leadership Institute (CLI). This program will bring together a cohort of aspiring coastal leaders from diverse industries and backgrounds across the state to learn from experts on the ecological, cultural, economic and political landscape of coastal Louisiana. Click here to learn more and apply for the program, or contact the program director at [email protected] for more information.

3) Loyola Institute for Environmental Communications (IEC)

Join Dr. Bob Thomas for the Loyola Institute for Environmental Communications (IEC), which brings together a diverse group of citizens to discuss issues of vital environmental importance to the region and nation. Fill out the self-nomination form here and email to Dr. Bob Thomas.

Featured Recipe: Pickled Shrimp with Roasted Poblano Broth

I love pickles (I even used to work at a place called Sneaky Pickle – if you're in New Orleans and haven't been, I highly recommend), so this pickled shrimp recipe from Chef Nina Compton was an obvious choice to highlight this month. Check out this beautiful, summery seafood dish and many others on Recipes from the Gulf Coast.  

Have a Louisiana recipe you love? Submit it here.