
The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has concluded.

The Republican presidential ticket is set.

Vice President Kamala Harris has the delegate support she needs to become the Democratic nominee, and I'm proud to support her campaign.

It is time for Democrats to make our case to the American people.

Can you pitch in $5 or any amount so that I can do everything in my power to defend our Senate majority and help elect Democrats up and down the ballot?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Mitch McConnell focused on confirming far-right judges and passing tax cuts for the wealthy and megacorporations.

Senate Democrats focused on making the wealthy pay their fair share so we could invest in health care, jobs, rebuilding our infrastructure, and addressing the climate crisis.

There is no question that Democrats have done more for the American people with the Senate majority. Help me make the case with a $5 donation before midnight.

We’re all in this together. Thanks for pitching in what you can afford.

With love and gratitude,
