In case you missed me on CNN and MSNBC today, here’s what I covered:

First, I went on air with Wolf Blitzer to share how I’ve never seen Democrats so united in my lifetime — and my confidence that Vice President Kamala Harris will win New Mexico this November:

Martin Heinrich on CNN with Wolf Blitzer

Next, I talked to Andrea Mitchell about the enthusiasm we’re seeing in this race and Vice President Harris’ readiness to prosecute the case against Donald Trump’s candidacy in the months ahead:

Martin Heinrich on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell

Democrats can win here in New Mexico and across the country, in Senate races and at every level of government. But Republicans like my multimillionaire, former hedge fund executive opponent are going to pour millions more dollars into competitive races like mine to try to defeat us.

This week, my challenger, Nella Domenici, is going on the air with another TV ad. We need to run on all cylinders to keep our own ads on the air in the coming weeks and make sure our message is heard above the noise.

Can you help us hold the Senate, keep Donald Trump out of the White House, and stand up for our shared values by rushing in any amount now?

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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States