
For all of the time Republicans spend talking about U.S. energy dominance, you’d think they might want us to produce our own food, too. 


That’s the first thought I have every time that MAGA lawmakers talk about closing the border and ending immigration.


Between 85 and 90 percent of farm workers in the U.S. are foreign-born. At least half of them are undocumented. 


Republicans might argue that those are jobs Americans could be doing, but let’s be honest: Americans don’t want them! The amount of work isn’t worth the pay. And even with so many undocumented immigrants working on our farms, the demand for more agricultural workers grows every year.


John, we already can’t meet demand. Can you even imagine what our grocery shelves will look like if Republicans carry out Trump’s plan for the largest mass deportation program in history?

A photo of Republican National Convention attendees holding up signs that read “Mass Deportation Now! 2024

Republicans handed out these signs at the RNC last week.

Our food costs would skyrocket. Even if we imported more food products from other countries, the GOP’s tariffs would force food distributors to raise prices to cover the cost of the tariffs! 


I’m especially worried for the folks in ID-02. We produce a lot of the country’s dairy right here in my district. What will happen without undocumented labor? How will they possibly get products to market on time and stay afloat?

A graphic featuring a photo of dairy cows and a quote from Idaho Dairymen’s Association CEO Rick Naerebout. The quote reads “We have a very stable unauthorized workforce in Idaho. You them out of the equation, and I don’t know where you find 30,000 workers to come fill those jobs in this state.

We have to stop demonizing the people we depend on for our food. It’s as simple as that. This isn’t a partisan issue to me. It’s a common sense one.


John, I will use this House seat to protect safe, legal immigration policies and invest in other measures to guarantee access to fresh, healthy produce.


Any lawmaker who won’t commit to protecting America’s food supply doesn’t deserve a seat in Congress. If you agree, will you help take back this seat from Mike Simpson?

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Rather than kicking out people who are willing to work hard to try and make a better life for their families, we need to create new opportunities for genuine asylum seekers so they don’t have to be undocumented.


The H-2A visa allows workers to come in for temporary work periods, helping ID-02 farmers get their crops to market for a limited time. This system is keeping farms hiring all year round and increasing the unfilled demand for agricultural workers.


We also need to address the threat to our farming posed by investors like Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance.


Vance used his company Narya Capital to invest in AcreTrader, a platform that allows wealthy foreign investors to buy and resell America’s farmland. 


Congress should pass legislation to limit foreign purchases of farmland by countries like China, on top of doing more to support American farmers so the land is being used as intended: to feed us. 


John, I know this isn’t a sexy or terrifying issue, but this is serious.


Do you know what we need in Congress? Less people who take their investments seriously and more people who take the trip to the grocery store seriously.


We need more people like us in Congress: more moms and dads who watch the screen as the cashier rings up their $8 bag of grapes and cross their fingers that the total won’t surpass the number in our head. (And it always does, doesn’t it?)


Let’s make this the election that keeps democracy safe AND keeps America fed.




David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.


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