When I told JD Vance he was going to be your next Vice President, this is what I said: JD Vance, I need you to STOP the invasion at our southern border. I need your help to DEPORT EVERY ILLEGAL and to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! JD Vance, I need you to help rebuild our economy from Crooked Joe’s destruction, end inflation, and MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY AGAIN! JD Vance, I need you to help END our humiliation overseas. I need your help to MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN! But most importantly, I told JD Vance that we are a nation in decline. In just a few years, Joe Biden has taken America to the brink of destruction. I TOLD JD Vance: I NEED YOU TO HELP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! But JD Vance and I won’t be able to accomplish ANY of this without your support. Before the day is over, I’m calling on ONE MILLION Pro-Trump Patriots to chip in and say, I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP! |